Page 34 - UNAM Strategic Plan (REVIEWED) 2019-2024
P. 34

7.4.2 Strengthen mechanisms for climate resilience development
               UNAM is part of the global community that holds the view that innovative mechanisms

               for climate change mitigation and adaptation should, now more than ever, be at the
               centre of research. Our institutional environment is the best setup to contribute to such

               an effort through research and innovation. The University has the necessary human
               competence to make a global contribution to finding scientific solutions and reducing

               vulnerabilities resulting from climate change effects.

               Through  advanced  scientific  technologies  and  research  capabilities,  UNAM  will
               promote  and  support  contributive  efforts  of  the  clean  development  mechanism,

               Reducing   Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD). The  University
               will   also   be  engaged  through other internationally recognised, legally binding

               obligations and initiatives, such as the formulation and implementation of policies,
               monitoring and evaluation  of  climate  change  periodic  reports and development

               of  climate  change  response  plans;  and  it  will  promote  and  cooperate  in  the

               development,  application,  diffusion  and  transfer  of  greenhouse  gas  emission
               mitigation technologies, practices and processes, support research and systematic
               observation  organisations,  networks  and  programmes  on  climate  change,  and

               develop and implement education, training and public awareness programmes on

               climate change.

                 7.5    Institutional Planning and Internationalisation

               Institutional  planning  involves  the  entire  strategic  management  process  of

               developing,  reviewing,  implementing  and  monitoring  the  institutional  strategy.  It
               further demonstrates the intergratedness and coordination of operational planning

               and  long-term  planning  for  the  University.   Institutional  planning informs  academic
               planning through enrolment planning and coordinating the UNAM space/resource

               governance  process.  Institutional  planning  is  primarily  conceptual  and  research-
               oriented  in  determining  current  and  future  University  space  in  terms  of  the  Higher

               Education Management Information System (HEMIS) internationally accepted space
               standards as well as the effective management and assessment of the University’s

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