Page 28 - EDUCON 2022 Book of Abstracts
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Conclusion: Regular assessment of job satisfaction can ensure that
employees remain committed and engaged at the organisation.
Keywords: employees, decision making, job satisfaction,
psychological needs
17. Shemuketa, H., Investigating students’ challenges to evaluate
teaching and learning online at the end of academic cycles
Background: Higher education institutions create opportunities for a
holistic human capital development to achieve economic
competitiveness. The quest for competitive human capital, national
higher education institutions are under pressure to increase student
Aim: To explore the lecturers’ and students’ perceptions of barriers to
mitigate strategies for effective evaluation of teaching and learning in
two campuses of a Namibian public university.
Methodology: This study employed a qualitative research design
using a single case study.
Results: Students expressed a plethora of barriers including lack of
understanding of the importance of evaluating teaching, lack of
observable improvements in teaching, learning and materials, lack of
anonymity and confidentiality, lack of access to internet and survey
fatigue. Although student feedback on teaching promotes a culture of
reflective practice, lecturers expressed concerns regarding validity,
trustworthiness, and usefulness of evaluation results due to a
significant decline in response rates, sampling bias and possible
grading leniency.
Recommendation: The study recommends that the university
management should declare evaluation of teaching mandatory.
Similarly, administrators and academics should jointly conduct
awareness activities to explain the importance of evaluating teaching,