Page 8 - P&A Group Benefits Enrollments Guide
P. 8

Medical & Prescription Drug Option

                                                                           Plan for 2017-2018
                                                               CORE PLAN                       BUY UP PLAN
                Benefit Highlights
                                                      United Healthcare HMO AJ-PM       United Healthcare HMO AJ-
                                                               Rx/2V H.S.A.                      PW Rx/2V
                                                        In-Network Member Pays           In-Network Member Pays
                Physician Services
                Primary Care Physician Office
                                                           Deductible then $30                      $30
                Specialist Office Visit                    Deductible then $60                      $60
                Preventive Medical Services:
                Routine preventive screenings,
                                                          0% (Plan covers 100%)            0% (Plan covers 100%)
                well-baby/child, and women's
                preventive care
                Emergency Room                            Deductible then $250                     $350
                Urgent Care                               Deductible then $100                      $75
                Inpatient Hospitalization Services        Deductible then $500              Deductible then 30%
                Outpatient Facility & Physician
                                                          Deductible then $300              Deductible then 30%
                Prescription Drugs                   2.5 x cost for mail order, up to a 90-day supply of prescriptions.
                Tier 1                                     Deductible then $10                      $10
                Tier 2                                     Deductible then $35                      $35
                Tier 3                                     Deductible then $60                      $60
                Tier 4                                             N/A                              N/A
                                                     Deductibles and coinsurance maximums are accumulated based on benefit
                Deductibles and Maximums
                                                     plan year, January 1 to December 31.
                Individual Annual Deductible                      $4,000                           $2,500
                Individual Annual Coinsurance
                                                                  $2,500                           $3,500
                Individual Annual Out-of-Pocket                   $6,500                           $6,000

                Family Annual Deductible                          $8,000                           $5,000
                Family Annual Coinsurance
                                                                  $5,000                           $7,000
                Family Annual Out-of-Pocket
                                                                 $13,000                          $12,000

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