Page 11 - P&A Group Benefits Enrollments Guide
P. 11

My Ideal Doctor

               Provides members with 24/7/365 on demand access to board certified physicians
               for diagnosis and prescriptions via telephone or video technology for common

               and acute illness
                  The American Medical Association says that 70% of doctor visits and 40% of
                              emergency room visits can be avoided by telemedicine.

          When do I use MYidealDOCTOR™?                            Members Receive

             If you are considering the ER or Urgent              Easy access: Convenient, any time of day or

               care center for a non-emergency                     night from the comfort of their home,

               medical issue.                                      consulting with U.S. based, licensed

             Your primary care doctor is not                      physicians, available 24/7/365 via

               available.                                          telephone or video technology.

             Request prescriptions or get refills.*

             Travelling and in need of medical care.              Quality care: Consult with physicians to get

                                                                   medical advice, diagnosis, or prescription

          Common conditions treated:                               medications when appropriate.*
                                                                   Online health tools: Participants can share
             Cold / Flu
                                                                   their personal health records with their
             Cough, Congestion, Sinus

             Urinary Tract Infection                              regular physician as needed and keep
                                                                   access to notes from previous
             Allergies
                                                                   MYidealDOCTOR visits.
             Nausea

             Constipation
                                                                   Save money: Avoid missing time away from
             Pink Eye                                             work and paying costly co-pays or in-office

             Rashes                                               physicians visits.

             and many more…

                                  Many simple short-term and long-term illnesses can be treated.
                             Redirect ER and Urgent Care utilization to more appropriate modes of care.

                                           Employee Bi-Weekly Deductions

                                  Employee Only                      Employee & Dependents

                       No Cost to you P&A Pays 100% for

                       employees enrolled in one of the                          $4.62

                               P&A medical plans.

                                                   Call: 1-855-879-4332

               *Prescriptions may be written when deemed clinically appropriate. No DEA controlled substances or those that may have the potential for
               abuse will be written.
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