Page 14 - P&A Group Benefits Enrollments Guide
P. 14

Employee Cost for Vision

                                             Employee Bi-Weekly Deductions

                                   Employee Only        Employee &          Employee &          Employee &
                                                           Spouse            Child(ren)            Family
                 Community               $3.21              $5.43               $5.08               $9.31
                   Eye Care

        Disability Benefits

               Voluntary Short Term Disability

                     Benefit amount is 60% of insured’s weekly
                       earnings to a maximum of $1,000 per week.
                     Benefit is payable beginning the 8th day of accident and the 8th day of
                     Maximum benefit period is 26 weeks.
                     Policy includes a pre-existing condition of 3 month look back and disabilities

                       that occur within the first 6 months due to pre-existing conditions are
                                See your HR representative for your age banded rate.

                Voluntary Long Term Disability

                     Benefit amount is 60% of insured’s monthly earnings to a maximum of
                       $5,000 per month.
                     $100 minimum benefit.
                     Elimination period of 180 days applies (no benefits paid during this time).

                     Based on age at disability the maximum benefit period will be up to 5 years.
                     Definition of disability is 24 Months Own Occupation.
                     Policy includes a 12 month look back for pre-existing conditions and
                       disabilities that occur with the first 12 months, due to the pre-existing
                       conditions are excluded.

                                See your HR representative for your age banded rate

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