Page 31 - FY21_LawsonAcademy_FacultyHandbook
P. 31
Alcohol/Drug/Tobacco/Weapon Free Workplace
In compliance state and federal law, The Lawson Academy is committed to being a
drug/alcohol/weapon-free school and to promoting a drug/alcohol/weapon-free lifestyle. The
policy of The Lawson Academy is to maintain a drug-free workplace. As a condition of continued
employment, all The Lawson Academy employees must comply with this policy. The Lawson
Academy reserves the right to enforce random drug screenings for all employees.
The term “workplace” is defined as The Lawson Academy property, any sponsored activity or any
other site where the employee is performing work for or representing The Lawson Academy. The
term “drug” as used in this policy includes alcoholic beverages and prescription drugs, as well as
illegal inhalants and illegal drugs and/or controlled substances as defined in schedules I through V
of the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 812, 21 C.F.R. Sec 1308, and the state and local
law of the jurisdiction where the workplace is located, including, but not limited to, marijuana,
opiates (e.g., heroin, morphine), cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), and amphetamines. An employee
who engages in an activity prohibited by this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to
and including immediate termination of employment.
The use of drugs and alcohol by employees, whether on or off the job adversely affects health and
safety, security, productivity, and public confidence and trust. Drug or alcohol use in the
workplace or during the performance of job duties is extremely harmful to workers and to other
Academy stakeholders. The bringing to the workplace, possession or use of intoxicating beverages
or drugs on any Academy premises or during the performance of work duties is prohibited and
will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Any staff member involved in the use, possession, and/or transmittal of any controlled substance
or dangerous weapon as defined by state and/or federal law will be recommended for termination
within state guidelines.
Building and Classroom Repairs
When staff members note that equipment/building is damaged, either by intention or accident, they
shall communicate the damage to administration using the Maintenance Work Request form
(Exhibit C). It is the duty of the staff members to supervise students so that damage to the
school building, furniture, equipment, or other school property does not occur. No staples or
tape should be placed on the walls. This will create damage to the paint and sheetrock. Teachers
are responsible for the appearance of their classroom and to see that the room is properly ventilated
and lighted. Special needs may occur that may require repair. In such cases, you must report a
repair request to administration.
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