P. 34

STARTER KIT | HK-Material Custodian

                    4.06      Smoking in prohibited area(s), and in places with “No Smoking” signs. In
                              premises where there are flammable materials (Kitchen, Generator room,    E
                              etc.) and other premises

                    4.07      Encouraging, assisting or deliberately providing occasions to non-employee,
                              third parties to threaten or physically attack and / or harm a co-employee   E

                    4.08      Serious misconduct during official working hours or within Company        D
                              premises or during Company sponsored activities

                    4.09      Rumor-mongering, unnecessary disclosure of somebody else’s personal
                              affairs to others, or deliberate distortion of facts, or statements in such a way   D
                              as to enhance one’s status or reputation, or discredit, embarrass, or
                              endanger another employee

                    4.10      Stealing, concealing, or deliberately misplacing without justifiable purpose,
                              another employee’s property within Company premises, or at assigned job   D
                              site, or during official working hours

                    4.11      Reporting for work or performing work on Company time or property under   D
                              the influence of intoxicating beverages

                    4.12      Failure to comply with medical and physical requirements of the Company   C

                    4.13      Refusal to submit to search or interfering with security officers in the   D
                              performance of their duties

                    4.14      Possession of pick locks, or other contrivances or similar tools that can open
                              any locker, desk, drawer or any room, or door under lock & key            C

                    4.15      Horse play, scuffing, running, throwing things or any act of demonstration
                              causing confusion or distracts the attention of fellow workers            C
                    4.16      Participating in loud and heated verbal arguments during official working
                              and/or within Company premises which disturbs the work of others          C

                    4.17      Using indecent, abusive, derogatory, or indecorous language while on duty   C
                              or within Company premises

                    4.18      Coercing, bribing, or inducing others to violate Company rules

                                  a.  If there is actual violation                                      D
                                  b.  Otherwise                                                         C

                    4.19      Engaging in money lending at usurious rates of interest, selling tickets of
                              whatever kind, buying or selling goods, making or collecting contributions or   C
                              payments for such goods, within Company premises or during official
                              working hours unless authorized by management

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