Page 12 - Bernardon-Plantation Square Medical Office Campus RFP Submission
P. 12

            January 1, 2021

            1.  Hourly Rate Schedule:           5.  Construction:   Bernardon will not  have  expenses,  or costs involved, arising from,  or
              Principal               $216.00   control  or charge of and shall  not be  alleged to have arisen from the Contractor’s
              Director                $216.00   responsible for construction means, methods,  performance or the failure of the Contractor’s
              Associate Principal     $196.00   techniques, sequences, or  procedures, nor for  work to conform to the design  intent and the
              Director of Interior Design   $196.00   safety  precautions or programs in  connection  contract documents.   Bernardon agrees to  be
              Associate               $178.00   with the Work, for the acts or omissions of the  responsible for its employees’ negligent acts,
              Senior Project Director   $168.00   Contractor,  Subcontractors, or  any other  errors, or omissions,  subject to the limitations
              Project Director        $156.00   persons performing any of the Work, or for the  of  these Terms and Conditions, including, but
              Project Architect/Project Manager $146.00   failure of any of them to carry out the Work in  not limited to,  paragraphs 12, 13, 14, 15,  and
              Architect/Senior Designer   $136.00   accordance with the Contract Documents,  16 below.
              Landscape Architect     $126.00   regardless of whether Architect provides
              Designer III            $116.00   construction  phase  observation  or  8.  Construction Cost:  Bernardon cannot and
              Designer II             $106.00   administration services; provided,  however,  does not warrant or represent that  bids or
              Designer I              $  96.00   Bernardon will promptly inform Owner of any  negotiated prices will  not  vary from the
              Office Assistant        $  84.00   Work which  does not conform with the  Owner’s project budget or from any estimate of
              Rates are subject to change annually.   Drawings and Specifications when such non-  construction cost or evaluation prepared  or
                                                conformance is observed.  The Contractor shall  agreed to by Bernardon.
            2.   Reimbursable  Expenses:   Reimbursable  be  solely responsible for performance of the
            expenses (such as permits, prints, additional  Work, including adherence to the requirements   9.  Ownership of Documents:  Drawings and
            consultants,  overnight deliveries, travel, etc.)  of Bernardon’s Drawings, Specifications,  and   Specifications as instruments of service are and
            will be invoiced based upon actual costs  Contract Documents.   The Owner expressly   shall remain the property of Bernardon whether
            expended times a multiplier of 1.10.  Mileage  agrees that this provision shall be included in   the Project for which they are prepared  is
            will be charged in accordance with the standard  the contract between the Owner and  its   executed or not.  The Owner will be permitted
            IRS rate.    In-house reproduction expenses  Contractor(s) for this Project.   to retain copies of Drawings and Specifications
            incurred in the  interest  of the project  will be                     for information and reference in connection
            invoiced as follows:                6.  Review of Submittals:  If included in the  with the Owner’s use and occupancy  of the
              Large Format Printing   B&W   Color   scope of Bernardon’s services, Bernardon shall  Project  provided Bernardon has been paid in
              18x24              $2.80   $4.20   review  and  take appropriate action upon  full for its services pursuant to this Agreement,
              24x36              $3.30   $7.80   Contractors' submittals (such as shop drawings,  including any additional services requested by
              30x42              $4.00   $9.40   product data,  and samples), but only for the  the Owner.   The Drawings and Specifications
              Standard Printing:   B&W   Color   limited purpose of checking for conformance  shall not be  used on other projects, or for
              11x17              $0.28   $0.50   with information given and the design concept  completion for this Project by others, except by
              8½ x11 Single      $0.15   $0.25   expressed  in  Bernardon's  Drawings,  agreement in writing and with appropriate
                                 $0.15   $0.25   Specification, or Contract Documents. Review  compensation to Bernardon.
              Rates are subject to change annually.   of such submittals is  not conducted for the
                                                purpose of determining  the  accuracy  or   10.  No Impermissible Use  of Bernardon’s
            3.  Payments to Bernardon:  Bernardon will   completeness of other details, such as   Instruments of Service:   Bernardon's
            submit monthly invoices for payment, in   dimensions and quantities, or for substantiating   Documents shall not be altered or modified in
            proportion to services performed, and the   instructions for  installation or  performance of   any way.   In the event the Owner (or any
            Owner shall make payment upon receipt.  For   equipment  or systems designed by the   person or entity acting  on behalf of Owner)
            any outstanding invoices beyond thirty (30)   Contractor,  all  of  which  remain  the  uses Bernardon's Drawings, Specification, or
            days of the invoice date,  interest  will be   responsibility  of the Contractor to the extent   Contract  Documents in violation of  this
            charged at a rate of 1.5% per month.  Within   required  by  the  Contract  Documents.  Agreement, the Owner releases Bernardon and
            five (5) days of receipt of invoice, Owner shall   Bernardon's review shall  not constitute   Bernardon's  Consultants from all claims and
            notify Bernardon in writing of  any  problems   approval of safety precautions or  of   causes of action arising from such use(s).  The
            with the services of Bernardon that would limit   construction means, methods, techniques,   Owner, to the extent permitted by law, further
            or impede Owner’s ability to remit payment for   sequences or procedures. Bernardon's review of   agrees to indemnify and hold  harmless
            said services within thirty (30) days.  If Owner   a specific item shall not indicate approval of an   Bernardon and its Consultants from any and all
            has not made payment to Bernardon within   assembly of which the item is  a component.   costs and expenses,  including the cost of
            forty-five  (45) days,  Bernardon reserves the   When professional certification of performance   defense, related to claims and causes of action
            right to discontinue  services.   Bernardon’s   characteristics of materials, systems or   asserted by any third  person  or entity to the
            discontinuation  of services shall be without   equipment  is  required  by  Bernardon's  extent such costs and expenses arise from the
            liability for consequential  or other damages   Documents, Bernardon shall be entitled to rely   Owner's  impermissible  use, alteration or
            resulting from the stoppage.   Bernardon shall   upon such certification to establish that  the   modification of Bernardon's Documents under
            be reimbursed for all legal and other reasonable   materials, systems, or equipment will meet the   this paragraph.
            costs related to collection of past due amounts.   performance criteria required by Bernardon's
                                                Documents. Bernardon agrees to review   11.  Standard of Care:  Notwithstanding any
            4.   Termination  or Suspension:   This   submittals  within ten  (10) business  days upon   other  provisions in this agreement to the
            agreement may be terminated by either party   receipt of submittal.     contrary,  nothing herein contained shall be
            upon seven  days’ written notice should the   7.  Design Without Construction Review:  It   construed as:  (A) Constituting a guarantee,
            other party fail substantially to perform in   is agreed that if the professional services of   warranty,  or assurance, either expressed  or
            accordance with its terms through  no fault of   Bernardon do  not extend to  or include the   implied, that the professional services will yield
            the party initiating the termination.  In the event   review or site  observation  of the Contractor’s   or accomplish a  perfect outcome for the
            of termination not  the fault  of Bernardon,   work  or performance, the Owner will  defend,   project;  or (B) Obligating  Bernardon to
            Bernardon shall be compensated for all services   indemnify, and hold harmless Bernardon from   exercise professional skills and judgment
            performed and reimbursable expenses to   any claim or suit whatsoever.   Such claims   greater than that which can  be reasonably
            termination date.                                                      expected from other architects  under like
                                                shall include, but are not limited to, payments,
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               BERNARDON | Proposal for Professional Design Services
               Plantation Square Medical Office Campus, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware | March 22, 2021         Page 9
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