Page 4 - Bernardon Proposal-National Shrine of Mary
P. 4

               Project Understanding

               The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church   At this time, you are looking to engage Bernardon
               was dedicated on August 15, 1988.  The Shrine re-  and our parent firm Core States to dream with
               ceived the 16  designation as a National Shrine    you in this new exploration, to establish a master
               in the United States, a sacred place to which the   plan for growth and improvements on the Shrine
               faithful make pilgrimage for a special reason of   grounds, and to become a trusted partner with
               piety.  Over thirty-four years later, thousands of   you for years to come.  You have communicated
               pilgrims from the United States and foreign coun-  numerous pilgrim “moments” for the future of the
               tries have visited the Shrine that honors mothers   Mothers’ Shrine.  Many of these moments exist to-
               of all denominations.                              day, but they require a beautiful and thoughtful
                                                                  approach to the organization to improve flow, to
               The Shrine hosts various programs such as sea-     improve accessibility, and to improve the overall
               sonal outdoor masses for visitors to the Lake of   experience of the pilgrims.
               the Ozarks, pilgrimages, retreats, and Marian con-
               ferences.  Thirty-four years of continued opera-   You have identified specific priorities for the near
               tion have led to a renewed strategy for maintain-  term and future improvements at the Mothers’
               ing and expanding the sacred moments that exist    Shrine.  Although the priority is to construct the
               or have the potential to exist on the native land.  Votive Candle Shrine and relocate the Restroom
                                                                  Pavilion, it is important for us to reimagine the en-
               The Mothers’ Shrine is located on a 56-acre prop-  tire grounds to reflect and reinforce the flow and
               erty owned by the Diocese of Jefferson City, and   serenity that is desired.  Furthermore, we will
               the property is shared by St. Patrick Catholic     need be mindful of the placement of all proposed
               Church.  In 2021, the Diocese, Church, and Shrine   pilgrim moments to avoid interference with the
               embarked on a master planning effort to ana-       subsequent planned phases of work on site.
               lyze current and future needs of the Church and
               Shrine.  The Master Plan Report, dated October     We understand the Mothers’ Shrine conceptual
               8, 2021, provides a great summary of the existing   plan program to include the following:
               conditions of the grounds and buildings, and it is
               a great planning tool for the expansion of St. Pat-      ■ Votive Candle Shrine
               rick’s Catholic Church.  Unfortunately, the vision-      ■ Restroom Pavilion
               ing of the Shrine grounds was not as successful          ■ Temporary Office and Gift Shop
               in reinforcing the flow and spiritual enrichment         ■ Fountain improvements to incorporate
               that the Mothers’ Shrine leadership dreams to im-        temperature control for off-season
               prove.                                                   operation

               BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal for Design Services
               National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church | August 11, 2022                             Page 4
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