Page 5 - Bernardon Proposal-National Shrine of Mary
P. 5
■ Welcome and Conference Center: Bernardon has provided programming, land
• Chapel planning and design, and conceptual design for
• Gift Shop a wide range of projects, and we are passionate
• Kitchen about creating memorable places to worship and
• Reception Hall celebrate. Our ability to listen to our clients, to
• Patio assimilate these needs into a built form, and to
• Conference Rooms bring our personal Christian experiences to bear
• Auditorium on the understanding and creation of spaces that
• Offices deepen spiritual and moral lives is critical to the
■ Confessionals success of this project.
■ Rosary Loop Trail
■ Prayer Labyrinth
■ Stations of the Cross Loop Trail
■ Living Quarters for Rector
■ Columbarium
■ Retreat Center
■ Live Stream improvements
■ Expanded parking for buses and passenger
The Shrine relies solely on the financial support
of visitors and benefactors. The goal of this
conceptual planning study is to develop a
thoughtful and beautiful solution for improving
the flow and moments of spiritual enrichment
in the immediate and near future. Bernardon
is confident that the product of this conceptual
design exploration will be instrumental in
engaging your visitors and benefactors, in
improving the spirit of giving, and in reinforcing
your mission to provide faith-filled and joyful
celebrations, pilgrimages, and retreats.
BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal for Design Services
BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal for Design Services
National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church | August 11, 20220, 2022
National Shrine of Mar y , Mother of the Chur ch | A ugus t 1 Page 5