Page 7 - Bernardon Proposal-National Shrine of Mary
P. 7
Basic Services
Footsteps 1 – Journey Footsteps 2 – Contemplation
Bernardon will begin our journey by discovering Back at our studio, we will synthesize our findings
all that we can about the Mothers’ Shrine mission into emerging themes that we begin to test,
and pilgrim experience. We will schedule an refine, and translate into a preliminary set of
“Insight Weekend”, a concentrated time to be at the design considerations. The conceptual planning
Mothers’ Shrine to pause, notice, watch, wonder, is a collaborative, consensus-building process
sketch, photograph and talk with stakeholders that considers the discoveries and outcome of the
to help us identify the Mothers’ Shrine ‘accent’ previous footstep to inform the development of
and ‘spirit’ which guides the ethos of the shrine. initial design concepts for the proposed Mothers’
We will facilitate an informal gathering of the Shrine expansion and improvements. During this
Mothers’ Shrine leadership to ponder, explore the conceptual planning process, the design team will
possibilities, and galvanize our new partnership as meet with you to explore and develop concepts for
we launch this design pilgrimage with you. implementation.
We will conduct an imaginative visioning session The following tasks and services will be provided
to affirm the program. This will provide our design during this phase:
team a firsthand understanding of your project
goals and the mission-driving heart of the project. ■ Space Needs Summary
We will review the data that you have assembled, o We will prepare a Space Needs Summary
including the SOA Master Plan document, to (SNS) for the proposed building(s) that
better understand the decisions in that plan that are anticipated. The SNS will establish
will remain design drivers for the work we will the space requirements for individual
be completing. We will review existing building rooms and spaces that will be required
documentation that you have on file to determine in the building. The SNS will also
whether additional survey work is necessary. include allowances for various functional
requirements in the building (circulation,
We will be observing and learning about the various toilet rooms, walls, mechanical and
shrine functions and ministries and how and where electrical support spaces, etc.) to arrive at
an estimated total building area needed.
they function today. We will attend Saturday This will be presented to you for approval
evening and Sunday service to observe the prior to advancing the next steps.
awakening of service and to discern user patterns
that may be positively impacted by our proposed
design solutions.
BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal for Design Services
National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church | August 11, 2022 Page 7