Page 8 - Bernardon Proposal-National Shrine of Mary
P. 8
■ Context Development ■ Conceptual Plans and Massing
o We will develop a computer model of the o We will develop the general scope,
existing church, shrine, and site context scale, and massing of the various
to promote the communication of our pilgrim experiences. Where applicable,
designs three-dimensionally. we will prepare conceptual floor plans
and massing studies that illustrate
■ Conceptual Site Analysis the relationships and sizes of the key
o We will analyze the site with a focus on programmatic features. The conceptual
existing site constraints, access to and floor plans and building massing studies
from existing driveways and surface will be reviewed with you to discuss the
parking lots, handicap accessible and pros and cons of the design approach.
visual connections to campus amenities, During this review, we will discuss
impact on current and/or future uses on exterior finish materials with you to
the campus, and the potential impact develop the vision more beautifully and
the new pilgrim experiences may have cohesively.
on improving the beauty of the campus. o We will develop conceptual perspectives
We will present this analysis to you to communicate the spirit and
with our site recommendation for your experience of the various pilgrimage
consideration and approval. moments. These perspectives will be
suitable for your use in communicating
■ Conceptual Site Usage Plan the proposed improvements to pilgrims
o We will prepare a Conceptual Site Usage and benefactors.
Plan that conceptually represents the
placement of new and existing pilgrim We anticipate up to three (3) meetings with you
experiences. The Conceptual Site Usage during the Footsteps 2 – Contemplation phase of
Plan is a graphic representation of the site services.
intended to identify features that impact
the location and design of the buildings, Footsteps 3 – Return
gardens, parking, and storm water Upon completion of Footsteps 2 – Contemplation,
management features. The Conceptual Bernardon will return to celebrate the outcome
Site Usage Plan depicts a variety of of our pilgrimage through the conceptual design
existing conditions including boundaries, process. We will meet with you and representatives
Zoning Ordinance requirements, adjacent of the Diocese and St. Patrick’s Catholic Church to
uses, topography (if available) and other communicate the beautiful and thoughtful approach
unique site features. This plan would be to the master plan and phasing as a whole and to
suitable to initiate your discussions with discuss next steps as we look forward to expanding
the Diocese and City of Laurie. the journey with you over the next several years.
BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal for Design Services
National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church | August 11, 2022 Page 8