Page 7 - Bernardon-Willow Grove Building G Interior Design Proposal
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To enhance and support the Owner, Design Phase I – Schematic Design
Team, and Construction Manager, we will work The Schematic Design phase lays the foundation
with the Sustainability Consultant engaged by for development of driving design ideas and
the Bernardon architectural team to aid in the principles that inform our process through
management of the USGBC/GBCI LEED process completion of the project. By defining the concepts
and the Interior Design involvement in obtaining for functionality and aesthetics in a collaborative
the owner’s LEED certification goals as outlined. fashion with the owner from the start, we are able
to make informed and deliberate design decisions
in the rest of our journey to a finished product. The
BASIC SERVICES FOR INTERIOR DESIGN owner’s written approval to proceed to Design
Bernardon will provide interior design services to Development is imperative for our process to
complement the vision created by Bernardon‘s subsequent phases. The owner’s ongoing design
Architectural design team. The goal will be to review comments will be incorporated into the
enhance and carry this vision to the interior design as this phase proceeds. Once approval has
spaces. Bernardon’s Interior Design team has been received, we will commence the next phase,
extensive multifamily and hospitality design Design Development.
experience. We will use this experience to create
a unique interior environment, offering the best
competitive advantage possible.
We will provide design concepts for interior
building finishes such as flooring, ceilings, wall
treatments, and casework. Decorative lighting
selections and coordination with the Mechanical,
Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Protection (MEPFP)
Engineer will also be provided. Specifically, the
following tasks and deliverables will be provided Curated Contemporary – Design Inspiration
in each phase to correspond, as close as possible, Example of Mood Board
with the deliverable schedule of the architectural
and consultant teams involved.
■ Prepare up to two (2) inspiration concept/
imagery options to define the interior
character and theme, including a schematic
finish palette.
■ Prepare bubble diagram for amenity spaces
to delineate programmatic sizing and owner
preferred adjacencies.
BERNARDON | Proposal for Interior Design Services | Federal Realty Investment Trust
Willow Grove Shopping Center Redevelopment - Phase III - Building G | May 15, 2023 Page 2