Page 6 - Bernardon Proposal-Bayhealth Milford Primary Care Clinic
P. 6

               Scope of Basic Services

               Bernardon proposes the following integrated          Phase II – Design Development
               approach to complete the deliverables for the
               successful completion of the renovations.            This phase of design focuses on establishing
                                                                    interior design concepts and implementing
               Phase I – Programming/Schematic Design               Bayhealth standards.

                Review Bayhealth mission and goals for the          Review design to determine compatibility
                  Primary Care Clinic, prioritize objectives,         with the approved preliminary budget
                  workflow, and budget.                               and, if necessary, make adjustments to
                                                                      maintain the project objectives.
                Attend a meeting with clinical team to
                  review the previously prepared Bayhealth           Finalize the code and regulations to meet
                  test fit plan and program.                          local, governmental, and heath care
                                                                      regulatory reviews and approvals.
                Update the space plan for review and
                  feedback.  Make adjustments to meet                Finalize the overall design intent including
                  specific organizational requirements.  Two          finishes, casework, ceiling materials soffit
                  (2) space plan adjustments are included in          design, and lighting selections.
                  this phase of the project.
                                                                     Conformance to Bayhealth CAD standards
                Verify existing building construction,               and guidelines.
                  electrical services, tele/data, and HVAC
                  systems.                                           Plumbing systems shall be developed
                                                                      and coordinated with current sanitary and
                Participate in two (2) virtual design review         domestic piping.
                  meetings with the Bayhealth project team.
                                                                     Electrical  distribution shall be  obtained
                                                                      from the current building 120/208 and/or
                                                                      277/480 panels.  Actual available voltages
                                                                      to be confirmed.

                                                                     Coordinate  lighting  layout  and  selections
                                                                      with the reflected ceiling and HVAC plans.
                                                                     Participate in one (1) virtual design review
                                                                      meeting with the Bayhealth project team.

            Architectural and Engineering Services for Bayhealth | Milford Primary Care Clinic | August 19, 2022  Page 3
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