Page 7 - Bernardon Proposal-Bayhealth Milford Primary Care Clinic
P. 7

               Phase III – Construction Documents                 Phase IV – Bidding/Construction
               During this phase, the team finalizes details,
               and design intent for the interior fit-out         The scope of our services can be adjusted
               improvements.  We assume a single set of           to suit the needs of the project.  For the
               documents be prepared for construction.            purposes of this proposal, we are assuming
                                                                  a construction schedule of approximately
                Interior Fit-Out plans to include:               three - four (3-4) months.

                   o   Coversheet                                 The following services are included during
                   o   Code plan                                  this phase:

                   o   Demolition plans, as necessary              Attend bi-weekly construction meetings
                   o   Architectural plans                          during the construction phase to monitor

                   o   Reflected ceiling plans                      progress, schedule,  and  answer  project
                   o   Door and hardware schedules                  construction questions.

                   o   Details/elevations                          Review shop drawing submittals for doors/
                   o   MEPFP plans                                  hardware, casework, finishes, and MEPFP.
                   o   Furniture and finish plans                  Answer questions for field clarifications.

                Specifications will be provided in drawing        Prepare a punch list upon substantial
                  sheet-format.  Booklet specifications are         completion of the project.
                  not included.
                                                                   Meeting minutes during the construction
                Sprinkler and fire alarm systems will be           phase shall be prepared and distributed by
                  combined effort with coordination between         the Design Build Contractor (CM).
                  Bayhealth vendor and MEPFP consultant.
                                                                   Provide architectural and engineering
                Participate  in  a  page  turn  design review      as-built plans at the completion of the
                  meeting with the Bayhealth project team.          project.  As-built plans shall incorporate
                                                                    all field changes and revisions during
                                                                    the  construction  phase.    The  CM  will  be
                                                                    responsible for providing the architectural/
                                                                    engineering  team  with  marked-up plans.
                                                                    Record plans shall be delivered Bayhealth.

            Architectural and Engineering Services for Bayhealth | Milford Primary Care Clinic | August 19, 2022  Page 4
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