Page 7 - Bernardon Proposal-Bayhealth Milford Primary Care Clinic
P. 7
Phase III – Construction Documents Phase IV – Bidding/Construction
During this phase, the team finalizes details,
and design intent for the interior fit-out The scope of our services can be adjusted
improvements. We assume a single set of to suit the needs of the project. For the
documents be prepared for construction. purposes of this proposal, we are assuming
a construction schedule of approximately
Interior Fit-Out plans to include: three - four (3-4) months.
o Coversheet The following services are included during
o Code plan this phase:
o Demolition plans, as necessary Attend bi-weekly construction meetings
o Architectural plans during the construction phase to monitor
o Reflected ceiling plans progress, schedule, and answer project
o Door and hardware schedules construction questions.
o Details/elevations Review shop drawing submittals for doors/
o MEPFP plans hardware, casework, finishes, and MEPFP.
o Furniture and finish plans Answer questions for field clarifications.
Specifications will be provided in drawing Prepare a punch list upon substantial
sheet-format. Booklet specifications are completion of the project.
not included.
Meeting minutes during the construction
Sprinkler and fire alarm systems will be phase shall be prepared and distributed by
combined effort with coordination between the Design Build Contractor (CM).
Bayhealth vendor and MEPFP consultant.
Provide architectural and engineering
Participate in a page turn design review as-built plans at the completion of the
meeting with the Bayhealth project team. project. As-built plans shall incorporate
all field changes and revisions during
the construction phase. The CM will be
responsible for providing the architectural/
engineering team with marked-up plans.
Record plans shall be delivered Bayhealth.
Architectural and Engineering Services for Bayhealth | Milford Primary Care Clinic | August 19, 2022 Page 4