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P. 116
UCU GS Research Journal
This study focused on the community-based feeding program; an evaluation. Specifically,
it sought to assess the profile of the respondents in the community-based feeding program in the
selected Barangays of Eastern Pangasinan - Inter Local Health Zone of their; Barangay Nutrition
Scholar in terms of; age, civil status, high educational attainment and number of years in service
and Mothers in terms of; age, civil status, high educational attainment, monthly family income
and no. of children. Likewise, it looked into the extent of the Implementation of the community-
based feeding program along the objective, target beneficiaries, social preparation and conduct
of feeding.
The findings are summarized in order of which the problems are raised and posed in
this study. Majority of the Barangay Nutrition Scholars belong to age bracket of 36, married,
high school graduate and have 1-3 years in service. And majority of the mothers belong to
age bracket of 36, married, high school graduate, with earning from 1, 000-5,000 and had 1-2
children involved in the community-based feeding program. The extent of implementation of the
community-based feeding program obtained a descriptive equivalent rate “Highly Extensive”.
The problems encountered in the implementation of the community-based feeding program
were moderately serious.
In the light of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: The respondents
Barangay Nutrition Scholars are relatively adult having their own families belong to borderline
qualification and practically few years in service while mothers are young adults having their own
families finished secondary level of education, earning below the poverty line with an average
number of children involved in the feeding program. It also implies that the implementation has
to be improved to have better feeding program to the children. Problems are encountered during
the implementation of the community based feeding program. The Barangay Nutrition Scholars
profile evariables does not affect the extent of implementation of the community-based feeding
program while the mothers in terms of age are comparable when grouped according to age.
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher arrived at the
following recommendations: Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Mothers should be encouraged to
attend trainings or seminars for advanced learning and enhance their knowledge about health.
The proposed continuing feeding program should be considered for implementation jointly by the
Local Government Units and concerned agencies. The Barangay Nutrition Scholars and mothers
as the front lines of these nutrition-related activities should be sincere and exert more efforts
towards an effective implementation of the intervention measures. The Local Government Units
and other concerned agencies should provide full support in implementing the interventions for
a favorable nutrition situation in their community.