Page 111 - GS_Journal_2016_back2back with agenda cover
P. 111
UCU GS Research Journal
The study focused on the level of non-compliance of patients with medical check-
up. It dealt on the profile of the respondents as to Age, Sex, Civil Status, Highest Educational
Attainment, Monthly Income, Type of non-communicable diseases, Type of Facility and Length
of Treatment in the facility. The factors affecting the non-compliance of patients along Health
worker-patient relationship, accessibility of public health services, patient’s knowledge about
illness, patient’s cultural beliefs related to illness and Socio-economic services was also tackled
using various statistical tools such as frequency, percentage and average weighted mean.
Based on the data gathered, the following were the major findings of the study, majority
of the respondents are married female old adults diagnosed to have Hypertension who consult
in the public facilities for less than 1 year. Their socio-economic profiles illustrates that most
of them are high school graduate and earn an income of below 5, 000. Further, the level of
non-compliance of the respondents with medical check-up is occasionally affected by patient’s
knowledge about illness and socio-economic services. Further, the respondents’ non-compliance
with medical check-up is rarely affected by accessibility of public health services and patient’s
cultural beliefs related to illness.
Based on the foregoing findings, the following are the conclusions, most of the
respondents are female old adults with hypertension and are high school graduate seeking
consultations in public health facility since they have a low socio-economic income. The level of
non-compliance of the respondents with medical check-up is rarely affected by various factors.
Further, there is a significant relationship between the factors affecting the non-compliance
with medical check-up across the profile of the respondents. There is a significant differences
between the levels of non-compliance of patient with medical checkup across their selected
profile variables. And the proposed program will improve the level of compliance of patients to
medical check-up.
Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researcher came up with the
following recommendations, the health workers must ensure the availability and accessibility of
the health care services that will meet the needs of the clientele in order to motivate them to go
on regular medical check-up. Secondly, there must an alternative or livelihood program for clients
or their support groups to increase their socio-economic status thus enabling them to comply
with medical regimen. Moreover, additional IEC materials and group classes must be conducted
regularly by the health care workers. The enrollment of more number of client to the DOH’s
Hypertension and Diabetes Club must be done by the rural health facilities. Lastly, the proposed
program presented herein are endorsed to higher authorities for approval and implementation.