Page 109 - GS_Journal_2016_back2back with agenda cover
P. 109
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the extent of the implementation of the rules and regulations
on patient safety. Part 1 dealt on the personal profile of the nurse respondents which include
their age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, number of years in service, area of
assignment, and trainings attended related to patient safety and patient respondents in terms of
their profile variables that includes their agem sex, civil status, educational attainment, number
of days of confinement and diagnosis. Part II focused on the extent of the implementation of the
rules and regulations on patient safety along treatment and care, use of equipment and facilities,
infection control, waste management and documentation. Part III focused on the safety practices
employed by the nurses on patient safety and Part IV dealt on the problems encountered by the
nurses in the implementation of the rules and regulations on patient safety.
Based on the data gathered, the following are the findings of the study: Most of the nurse
respondents are aged 21-25, female, single, bachelor’s degree holder, had been in the service
for 1-3 years, assigned in the ward and had 1-3 trainings. Majority of the patient respondents
are in the age bracket of 46 and above, female, married, high school level, had been confined
for 1-3 days, and diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis. On the extent of the implementation
of the rules and regulations on patient safety, all the indicators were rated by the nurses to
be highly implemented with an overall weighted mean of 4.54. the same is tru to the patient
respondents where they perceived the nurses to be implementing the rules and regulations on
patient safety with an overall weighted mean of 4.75 or highly implemented. Overall, it has an
overall weighted mean of 4.65 or highly implemented. On the problems encountered by the
nurses in the implementation of the rules and regulations on patient safety, there are three
variables rated to be serious.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are offered: The rules and
regulations on patient safety was being followed by the nurses to maintain patient safety. Nurses
gave the proper care to the patients thereby lessening the number of days in the hospital. The
nurses had encountered problems related to patient safety. The proposed program was a tool to
help them resolve the problems on patient safety.
Based on the conclusions of the study, the following are hereby recommended to
improve the implementation of the rules and regulations of the hospitals: The nurses must
strengthen their practice by undergoing studies in the graduate level for them to have the
knowledge and skills necessary in their practice. The patient respondents at their age must
be aware of the diseases of their patients to avoid transmission to other family members. The
proposed program should be adapted to satisfy the needs of patients for earlier recovery.