Page 105 - GS_Journal_2016_back2back with agenda cover
P. 105
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the consequences of marital separation among professionals
along physical, emotional, social, spiritual and financial. Part 1 dealt on the personal profile of
the respondents which include their age, civil status, highest educational attainment, number of
children, number of years separated, profession and monthly family income. Part II focused on
the consequences of marital separation among professionals along physical, emotional, social,
spiritual and financial. Part III dealt on the coping mechanisms employed by the respondents in
their marital separation.
Based on the gathered data, the following are the findings: Majority of the respondents
are in the age bracket of 31-35 years old, not legally separated, bachelor’s degree holder, with
1-3 number of children, had been separated for 4-6 years, most of them are nurses and with a
family income of below 10,0000 and 20,001-30,000 with a frequency of 12 or 30 percent. On
the reasons of marital separation among professionals, most of the respondents have reasons
of didn’t get along well with their husbands and no time for each other with a weighted mean of
3.95 and 3.75. On the consequences of marital separation among professionals along physical
aspect, it was rated to be serious with an average weighted mean of 3.47; emotional with an
average weighted mean of 3.56 or serious; social aspect with an average weighted mean of
3.47 or agree; spiritual aspect with an average weighted mean of 3.76 or agree and financial
aspect with an average weighted mean of 3.64 or serious. On the coping mechanisms of the
professionals on their marital separation, those separated from 1 day to 1 year and one year
and above utilized different ways of coping and rated often with an average weighted mean of
3.84 and 3.71.
The following are the conclusions: The respondents are young adults, separated without
undergoing the normal process, college graduates, with average number of children, and had
been on separate ways for few years, mostly in the health profession and earning different
salary scale.On the reasons of marital separation, the couples had different reasons why they
parted ways but most common is they didn’t had quality time with their husbands. The different
aspects mentioned on the consequences are all serious. The respondents had used the coping
mechanisms very often.
Based on the conclusions, the following are hereby offered. The respondents must
continue to pursue higher level of learning to help them find a better job for their children and
earn income that will support the family with the absence of the spouse. The respondents must
learn how to get along well with people especially their husbands so that their family relationship
will be whole again for their children. They must be aware of the consequences and learn how
to deal with it so that it will not become more complicated.