Page 101 - GS_Journal_2016_back2back with agenda cover
P. 101
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the extent of compliance of TB patients in their treatment
regimen. Part 1 dealt on the personal profile of the respondents which include their age, sex, civil
status, highest educational attainment, occupation, monthly family income, occupation, and year
diagnosed with TB. Part II focused on the extent of knowledge of TB patients along its causes,
signs and symptoms, prevention and treatment. Part III dealt on the extent of compliance of the
respondents on their treatment regimen along drug therapy, sputum examination and medical
check-up. Part IV focused on the problems encountered by the patients in their treatment
regimen. Part V was the formulation of action plan to improve the compliance of TB patients on
their treatment regimen.
Based on the data gathered, the following are the salient findings: Majority of the
respondents are in the age bracket 21-30 and 51-60 years old, males, married, high school
graduate, unemployed, earning a monthly family income of 3,001- 5,000 pesos, and diagnosed
in the year 2015. On the knowledge of the respondents on TB, along its causes, signs and
symptoms, prevention and treatment it was rated with an overall weighted mean of 2.52 or
slightly knowledgable. On the extent of compliance of the respondents on their treatment
regimen along drug therapy, sputum examination and medical check-up it was rated with an
overall weighted mean of 2.95 or moderately compliant.. On the problems encountered by the
respondents in their treatment regimen, it was rated with an average weighted mean of 2.21
or slightly serious and a proposed program was prepared to improve the compliance of the
respondents on their treatment regimen.
Based on the findings of the study, the following are the conclusions offered: Majority
of the respondents belong to the young adults and older adults who are males who finished
secondary level of education, no job earning less than 5,000 and had been with the disease for a
year. The respondents lack the necessary knowledge on the etiology, manifestations, on how to
prevent and treat tuberculosis. On their compliance, the respondents did not totally comply with
their treatment. There are problems encountered by the respondents in taking their medicines.
The proposed program is to be adapted to improve the compliance of TB patients
Based on the conclusions made, the following are recommended: The respondents at
their age must continue to know more about the disease and to religiously follow the treatment
regimen to prevent further occurrence to other family members. The respondents must know
the different manifestations of the disease so that they will know what to do to avoid further
complications. They must comply with the treatment regimen for them to recover from the
disease. Small children in the family must submit for vaccination. Proper orientation and health
education and teachings must be done to patients and other people of the community.