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P. 103

UCU GS Research Journal
                                       DIANA JOY E. MONES

                   This study determined the effects of miscarriage among women in Umingan, Pangasinan.
                   Part I dealt on the profile of the respondents in terms of their age, civil status, highest
            educational attainment, number of children and number of miscarriage.
                   Part II focused on the effects of miscarriage along physical, emotional, mental social
            and spiritual
                   Part III dealt on the proposed program to lessen the effects of miscarriage.
                   Case study method was used in the study using a guided questionnaire as the main
            data  gathering  instrument  developed  by  the  researcher  based  on  the  effects  of  miscarriage
            among women. There were 10 respondents who suffered miscarriage.
                   Analysis of the data gathered were done using statistical tools like frequency, percentage
            and weighted mean.
                   The following are the findings of the study based on the specific problems raised in
            the study. Majority of the respondents are in the age bracket of 36 and above frequency of 6 ,
            married frequency , college graduate frequency of 5 ,Occupation frequency of 6  not employed,
            Monthly income below 5000 frequency of 3  same with 20,000 above, Number of having two
            Children with a frequency of 4 , Number who incurred miscarriage with a frequency 5.
                   On the effects of miscarriage along physical, most of the respondents incurred vaginal
            bleeding with a frequency of 6 . It is followed by complaints of abdominal cramping, low back
            pain and no appetite to eat. Along emotional most of the respondents experienced feeling of
            sadness, fears and anxiety and unhappy of what happened along social, most of the respondents
            avoided the company of friends and refused to talk due to sadness of what happened. Along
            spiritual, majority of the respondents seek the guidance of the lord by doing a lot of praying.
                   Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the researcher arrived at the following
            recommendations: The respondents must undergo counseling and health education to know the
            effect of miscarriage. They must  also undergo regular prenatal check up to have a healthy
            pregnancy. They must be aware on the effects of miscarriage so that it will not happen again
            in the next pregnancies. The proposed program can be adapted by the health personnel and
            mothers to prevent the incidence of miscarriage.

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