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P. 104

UCU GS Research Journal
                                  ROXANNE M. NAVARRO

                This  study  determined  the  spiritual  care  rendered  by  nurses.  Part 1  dealt on  the
        personal profile of the respondents which include their age, sex, civil status, highest educational
        attainment, area of assignment and number of years in service. Part II focused on the extent
        of spiritual care rendered by nurses along therapeutic use of self, integrating religious values in
        the nursing process and nurse-patient interaction. Part III dealt on the factors that influence the
        spiritual care in nursing. Part IV focused on the factors that hinder nurses in rendering spiritual
        care while, Part V contained the proposed program to improve the spiritual care of nurses.
                Descriptive research design was used in the study utilizing the statistical tools frequency
        and percentage and the weighted mean were used. Based on the gathered data the following
        are the findings of the study: Majority of the respondent nurses belong to the age bracket of
        26-30 years old, males, single, assigned in the medical ward, most of them are in the service for
        1-3 years. On the extent of spiritual care rendered by the nurses along therapeutic use of self,
        integrating religious values in the nursing process and nurse-patient interaction all are rated with
        highly extensive.Likewise, along factors that influence the spiritual care in nursing was rated with
        seldom which means that the respondents were not influenced by the indicators stated therein.
        When it comes to the factors that hinder nurses in rendering spiritual care was rated seldom
        which goes to show that the nurses were not affected by the indicators therein.
                Furthermore, based on the findings the following are the conclusions of the study. The
        respondents were young adults, bachelors’ degree, assigned in the medical unit and they were
        still new in the nursing profession. Spiritual care was highly practiced by the nurse who showed
        that they were competent in rendering spiritual care.
                Thus,  the  following  recommendations  are  hereby  offered.  The  nurses  must  pursue
        their post graduate courses to be abreast with the trends of the nursing profession. They must
        undergo seminars or trainings related to spiritual care to enhance further their knowledge and
        skills in rendering spiritual care. Whatever influences, nurses must perform their spiritual care
        role for the benefit of their patients. Nurses must give their spiritual care regardless of any
        barriers there might be.
                The proposed program can be adapted to improve the spiritual care of nurses. Future
        studies can be recommended using other variables in a wider perspective.

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