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P. 96
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the level of competencies of Filipino nurses in dealing with
Arabian hospital patients, if such competency affects their performance at the out-patient
department. The findings in this study will be the basis for proposing program to enhance the
competencies of Filipino nurses in dealing with Arabian hospital patients. It dealt on the profile
of the respondents in terms of their age, sex, civil status, highest educational background,
Area of specialty; and Number of years in healthcare practice. It also focused on the level of
competency of the respondents in dealing with Arabian hospital patients along: Communication,
Patient care and Arabian culture.
The data used in this study were gathered from 120 Filipino nurses dealing with Arabian
hospital patients at Medical City Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia calendar year 2015-
2016. Questionnaires were used to gather needed data.
In the light of the findings revealed by the study, the following conclusions were drawn.
The Filipino nurses who are stationed at King Fahad Medical City for calendar year 2015- 2016
are middle aged, females, married, have completed their baccalaureate degree, are mostly
assigned at surgical area serving the hospital for at least 1-3 years. Health care at King Fahad
Medical city show moderate competence in communication, highly competent for patient care
and in the Arabic culture.
It recommended that appropriate facilities that will cater to the needs of the middle
aged, females and married workers be provided. Proper personal development program should
be provided for those nurses who have not undergone post graduate studies. Trainings/ Seminars
in accredited institution be provided to Filipino nurses. Regular team building activities, shifting
on the areas of assignment, Lessons in Arabic Language be provided Significant difference in
the competencies across profile variables showed that competencies on communication, patient
care and Arabic culture have significant difference among the competencies exhibited by the
respondents along the areas mentioned. The level of competency of nurses in fulfilling their
duties as hypothesized to be affected by a number of factors which are innate among the
respondents are age, civil status and sex. On the professional variables which seem to affect
performance of the respondents are their area in educational attainment, area of specialty
and number of year in the health care service.The figures gathered indicate that a significant
relationship exists between the area of specialty of a nurse as to the manner one fulfills duties.
With this, it can be inferred that as a nurse is designated to an area of which one knows well, it
follows that the job given is given due attention.