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P. 22
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the extent of global competitiveness practices of secondary
school principals of Pangasinan SY 2015-2016.
Problem No. 1 dealt on the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, civil status,
educational attainment, length of service as school head and trainings attended. Problem No.
2 is on the extent of global competitiveness practices along the area of global education, 21st
century curriculum, global collaborations, 21st century learners, 21st century facilities and 21st
century professional development. Problem No. 3 is on the significant differences in the extent
of global competitiveness practices of school principals across profile variables. Problem No. 4
focused on the significant relationship between the extent of global competitiveness practices of
school principals and their profile variables. Problem No. 5 is on proposed enhancement program.
On the null hypotheses, there are no significant differences in the level of global
competitiveness practices of secondary school principals and their profile variables. There are
no significant relationship between the extent of global competitive practices among public
secondary school principals and their profile variables.
Majority of the respondents are 41 years old and above, females and married. Mostly
are Doctoral Degree holders, with 5 years below length of service as school head and attended
trainings at various levels. The extent of global competitive practices has an overall weighted
mean of 4.34 “highly competitive”. There is no significant difference in the extent of global
competitive practices among public secondary school principals across their profile variables.
There is no significant relationship in the extent of global competitive practices among public
secondary school principals and the profile variables.
The secondary school principals are relatively old, female, married educational qualified,
has few years of experience as school head and attended various trainings. The extent of global
competitiveness is very impressive. The respondents are comparable in their extent of global
competitive practices across the different profile variables.
The proposed enhancement program should be implemented to enhance the skills
of the school principals to upgrade more their competence and practices along 21st century
education. The respondents must maintain “highly competitive” extent of global competitive
practices at all times though their profiles vary.