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UCU GS Research Journal
                                GRADE 7 MATHEMATICS TEACHERS
                                      JONATHAN A. GEVERO

                   This  descriptive-correlational  study  investigated  creativity  index  (CI),  together  with
            other  profile  variables,  and  their  relationship  with  innovative  instructional  competence  (IIC)
            of  171  respondent-Grade  7  Mathematics  teachers  from  six  (6)  Divisions  in  the  Province  of
            Pangasinan, during the SY 2015- 2016.
                   The independent variables considered are: age, sex, civil status, highest educational
            attainment,  number  of  years  in  the  service,  area  of  specialization,  current  position/rank,
            personality type, and creativity index (CI). The areas of CI are 1) Cognitive Rational, 2) Affective/
            Emotional Social, 3) Physical/Sensing, and 4) Intuitiveness. Innovative teaching competence was
            measured in the areas of a) preparation of teaching materials, b) planning, c) implementation
            of the lesson, d) techniques of asking questions, e) techniques of encouraging students to state
            generalizations, f) evaluation of learning outcomes, g) techniques of giving assignments, and h)
            techniques of giving feedbacks.
                    The respondents obtained a CI of 82.9, equivalent to “creative.” Overall, the respondents’
            instructional competence is in the level of “innovative.” Years in service, personality type, and
            CI are the variables which differentiate the levels of innovative instructional competence of the
                   Innovative instructional competence is correlated with the variable creativity index (CI).
            Hence, implementation of in-service trainings focused on CI and its relationship with innovative
            instructional competence is highly recommended.

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