Page 14 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 14
GS Research Journal
remedial instruction and enrichment sessions. School administrators should tap more parents,
Local Government Units (LGUs), Government Organization (GOs), Non-Organization (NGOs),
businesspeople and other stakeholders in the community to continuously extend their support in
terms of financial, in-kind and human resource.
This study determined the extent of program management performance of public
secondary school administrators in Region I, SY 2014 – 2015. Specifically, it sought to determine
the profile of the public secondary school principals in Region I. Their personal profile variables
include age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, and position/rank. Their employment
profile variables are years of experience as school administrators, number of physical education
teachers supervised and number of relevant in-service trainings. Their psycho-social profile
variables are personality types and leadership practices.
Based on the analysis of data gathered the following are the findings of the study:
1) There are 37 of the 81 respondent-school administrators who belong to 50-60 years old
and the rest are within the general age bracket of 30-60 and above; 47 are female in contrast
to 34 males; 69 are married, with 12 having remained single; 60 of whom are principal IV;
with 42 full-pledged doctoral degree holders, 23 full-pledged master’s degree holders and
18 having remained in their bachelor’s degree. In addition, 38 of them have been school
administrators for 1-10 years, and 25 of them for 11-20 years and the rest, 18 of them for 20
years and above.2) The MAPEH Program Management performance of the respondent-school
administrators obtained a grand overall weighted mean rating of 4.51 which is equivalent to
Very High. 3) This study found no significant differences in the MAPEH program management
performance of the respondent-school administrators across their profile variables, hence, the
null hypothesis is accepted. 4) In like manner, it has been found out that significant relationships
among the above-mentioned variables did not exist, hence, the corresponding null hypothesis
is also accepted. 5) The respondent-school administrators have affirmed at varying frequencies
that their management performance in the MAPEH program is affected by certain problems
idetified in this study.
Based on the above findings of this study the following conclusions are drawn.1) The
respondent-school administrators’ profile is high and impressive, and adequate enough to
quality them in their position as school managers. 2). The respondent-school administrators
are consistently surmounting to the optinum level in performing their management of the
MAPEH program along the different management functions of planning, organizing, directing,
coordinating and evaluating.3). The profile variables of the respondent-school administrators