Page 46 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 46

GS Research Journal

             monthly  income,  family  set-up  and  family  residence  of  the  student  respondents.  Likewise,
             faculty respondents’ age, sex civil status, highest educational attainment, number of years in
             service, status of employment and department of affiliation.   Further, the research sought to
             answer on the extent of implementation of the guidance counselling program along its four
             components; guidance curriculum services, individual planning services, responsive services and
             support system. As well as the seriousness of the problems encountered by the guidance and
             counselling program.
                    Findings revealed that most of the respondent have the age bracket of 19-20 years
             old (152 or 38.3 percent), female (62.8 percent or 249, First and middle born in terms of birth
             order (142 and 140 or 35.8 and 35.3). Almost all the student-respondents were single (97.00
             percent or 385), the biggest in population was the Bachelor in Secondary Education (52 or 13.1
             percent). Most of the students came from the second and third year level (109 and 105 or 27.5
             and 26.4). As to religion (270 or 68 percent) are Roman Catholic and most of the respondents’
             monthly family income range below Php 10,000f (48.1 percent or 191). A total of 288 or 72.5 of
             Most of the respondents were living with parents (288 or 72.5 percent) and most of them lived
             in urban barangay (176 or 44.3 percent). As to the extent of implementation of the guidance and
             counselling program along the four components, the study showed that all are “implemented”
             in different extents. As to student-respondents rating and faculty respondents rating, guidance
             curriculum  3.89 and 3.93 a total of 3.91;individual planning services 3.83 and 3.94 a total mean
             of 3.89; responsive services 3.79 and 4.00 a total mean of 3.90; support services 3.94 and 4.15
             a total mean of 4.04. Of the problems encountered by the guidance and counselling program,
             only one was rated “serious” by the faculty 3.63 “Inadequate secluded counselling rooms.” All of
             the problems were both rated by students and faculty as “moderately serious.” “Lack of trained
             guidance counsellor” got the lowest rating both from the students and faculty 3.12 and 2.89
                    Furthermore,  the  researcher  arrived  at  the  following  conclusions:  1.  The  student
             respondents were dominated by 17-18 years old, mostly female, almost all the respondents were
             single and dominated by the BSE students. In addition, most of them are in the second year and
             third level and are Roman Catholic in religion. Almost half of the respondents’ family monthly
             income was below Php10, 000.00; more than half were living with both parents and almost
             half were living in urban/barangay and almost half were living in rural/barangay. Faculty/staff
             respondents were dominated by middle aged adult, college graduate, and serving the school
             less than 5 years. Most of them are permanent in position and belong to teaching department.
             2. The study revealed that the extent of implementation of guidance and counselling program
             along its four components : guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services and
             support system with the overall weighted means of 3.91,3.89,3.90 and 4.04 respectively and
             with the  grand mean of 3.97 was derived as “IMPLEMENTED.” 3. On the problems encountered
             by the guidance  and counselling program, it was found out that the overall weighted mean was
             3.22 and problems was interpreted as  “MODERATELY SERIOUS.”

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