Page 8 - SPARK Q1 '18
P. 8

Strong Start to FY18

                                                    cent year-over-year and customer count increased
                                                    to  over  2,600  total  customers,  with  our  micro-
                                                    segmentation  security  use-case  continuing  to  fuel
                                                    customer demand.
                                                    vSAN license bookings also posted strong results,
                                                    with an increase of over 150 percent year-over-year
                                                    and customer count topping over 8,000. vSAN con-
                                                    tinues  to  outperform  the  competition  with  what  we
                                                    believe  to  be  the  broadest  hyper-converged  offer-
     Q1  FY18  Business  &  Regional  Perfor-       ing. EUC license bookings for the quarter were up
     mance                                          over 20 percent year-over-year with healthy growth
                                                    in both our mobile and desktop businesses
      Total revenues for the first quarter were $1.74   Stock Repurchase
     billion, an increase of 9% year-over-year.     We completed the remaining $125 million  in stock
                                                    repurchases  from  our  December  authorization  of
      License revenue was $610 million, an increase
     of 7% year-over-year.                          $500 million. In addition, we repurchased $300 mil-
                                                    lion  of  stock  from  Dell  Technologies  in  the  first
      Non-GAAP operating margin was 28.5%          quarter, taking delivery of 2.7 million shares in Q1
                                                    and  the  remaining  0.7  million  shares  in  early  Q2.
      Operating cash flow was $775 million, and free   We currently have $900 million dollars remaining on
     cash flow was $726 million.                    our  $1.2  billion  repurchase  authorization  for
                                                    FY 2018

                                                    FY18 and Q2 Guidance
     Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments
                                                    We  are  updating  our  full  year  FY  2018  guidance,
     at quarter-end totaled $8.6 billion.           increasing  our  total  revenue  forecast  to  approxi-
                                                    mately $7.61 billion and increasing license revenue
     We also saw continued momentum for our growth   guidance to approximately $2.975 billion.
     products. NSX license bookings grew over 50 per-
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