Page 13 - SPARK Q1 '18
P. 13

far:    "First,  it  definitely  helps me  work  on  building  point reviews in between, kept me honest and aid-
     and expanding my network. I have now made con- ed with interesting and practical leadership aspects
     nection  with  different  areas  of  GBO  that  I  didn't  by  best-in-class  trainers  and  our  own  VMware
     know  before,  and  interestingly  enough,  I  have  Leadership  team.  It's  been  a  great  experience  so
     found myself now working in projects that are relat- far and I am looking forward to the rest of the pro-
     ed to those areas, thanks to stretch program.  Sec- gram with excitement."
     ond,  this  helped  me  with  innovative  thinking.  This  We  are  ambitious  about  VMware's  future,  and
     type  of  exercise  truly  makes  me  think  on  how  to  hence,  chose  to  be  so  with  our  people  develop-
     approach business' day to day activities in a differ- ment efforts as well.  Therefore, we invest in pro-
     ent  way,  allowing  ideas  to  germinate  and  grow,  grams  such  as  this  Stretch,  and  provide  a  fresh
     even  if  they  sound  radical  or  crazy  at  the  begin- approach  to  developing  leaders.    Will  Desmond
     ning.  I am very happy to have had the opportunity  agrees stating, "It was nice to feel that the compa-
     to participate in this activity."              ny was invested in me."  Sr. Finance Manager, Pa-
     The  participants'  journey  on  this  program  started  rul  Agarwal  from  Palo  Alto,  had  similar  views  as
     with  an  assessment  to  help  gauge  their  Growth,  others  in  this  program,  and  writes,  "The  Stretch
     Resilience,  Instinct  and  Tenacity  (GRIT)  before  program connected me to some of the best talent
     they jumped into the program.  Then the sessions  at  VMware.  Just  being  around  such  people  gives
     in Bangalore provided insights in the following are- tremendous  opportunity  to  learn  and  grow.  The
     as:                                            amount of effort company leadership is putting to-
       Learning  the  art  and  science  of  innovation,   wards growing talent is heartening. Bangalore ses-
         problem solving and ideation,              sion was well-managed, intense and fun!"
                                                    The  participants  will  come  together  again  in  July
       Delivering  effective  presentations  and  audi-  this  year  in  Palo  Alto,  and  will  be  presenting  the
         ence centric planning,
                                                    solutions to the issues/challenges assigned to their
       Weaving in aspects of digital and social in busi- teams.  It has been an exciting journey thus far and
         ness communication to resonate with a distrib- we are confident that it will be an equally engaging
         uted/ millennial workforce,                conclusion.
       Discussing failures/ risks taken that could have   Special  thanks  to  the  following  participants  for
         led  to  accidental  learning/  significant  benefits   sharing  feedback  about  their  journey  and  experi-
         with the intent of building risk appetite and re-  ence in this program:
         silience to failure and                    Parul  Agarwal,  Sr.  Finance  Manager  (Palo  Alto)
                                                    William  Desmond,  Strategic  Sourcing  Manager
       Understanding what it takes to thrive and oper-  (Cork)
         ate in a matrix environment                Alicia  O'Connor,  Sr.  Manager  International  Tax
     Gopikrishna  Y.,  Senior  Manager,  BTA  PMO,  ex-  (Cork)
     claims, "Stretch it is!  We have gone over and be-  Julio  Viquez,  Process  Excellence  Lead  (Costa
     yond  our  current  responsibilities,  reaching  out  to   Rica)
     cross-functional  experts  across  geographies  to   Gopikrishna  Y.,  Senior  Manager,  BTA  PMO
     come up with a proposal/recommendation which is   (Bangalore)
     of strategic importance to VMware. The in-person 3                           -Mohit Rajkumar
     -days  session  in  Bangalore,  followed  by  check-
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