Page 12 - SPARK Q1 '18
P. 12
Stretching Out: Progress on Stretch 2016
STRETCH 2.0 is the flagship people develop- This year's program has 44 participants from differ-
ment program that sets the tone for leadership de- ent teams in Finance and Ops, and come from dif-
velopment within Finance & Operations. The main ferent VMware offices across the globe. Partici-
objectives of this program are to prepare partici- pants are divided into 7 teams, each addressing a
pants for the challenges in our ever evolving and real-world current business problem/situation with
sometimes difficult business environment, develop their respective executive sponsors and project
a better understanding of VMware's unique culture leads.
and business processes and, help participants
build their personal brand. The program included in
-person sessions in Bangalore in November 2016,
and will conclude with a final presentation to the
Finance and Ops Leadership team in Palo Alto in
July 2017. The format consists of classroom train-
ings, action learning missions, and business simu-
lations, among other activities.
We had received positive feedback from past par-
ticipants when we piloted the program in Global
Business Operations; hence, this program is in its
second year. However, the second edition of
Stretch is richer in content, broader in developing
perspectives and bigger in impact. It is precisely for Alicia O'Connor, Sr. Manager in International Tax
that reason why we call it "2.0". from Cork, writes, "I had the chance to connect
"The Stretch program is really well managed and with over 40 individuals from all around the world
put together internally; it is very professionally run," during the onboarding session in Bangalore last
says Will Desmond, Strategic Sourcing Manager November. The ongoing touch-points with the VPs
from Cork, Ireland. from the Finance Org have been extremely benefi-
Stretch 2.0's concept was inspired by the world of cial and has provided me with a deeper knowledge
sports, which formed the foundation of this pro- of the various functions within VMware. A special
gram. The experiences, engagements and learning mention to my Stretch Group - it has been great
opportunities in Stretch have been carefully curat- working closely with colleagues that I probably
ed to suit and enhance the individual growth of the would have never met if it weren't for the Stretch
participants in one or more of the following are- Program. Our Mission has been challenging but I
as: build strength, enhance endurance, and in- have learned so much from all of my Stretch team
crease flexibility. While the design of the program members over the last few months and it has pro-
is in-house, we are engaging with industry experts vided me with an invaluable experience!"
where we do not have in-house expertise such that One of the participants, Julio Viquez, is a Process
the overall experience for participants is nothing Excellence Lead from Costa Rica, and shares that
short of exemplary. his experience has enriched him in two areas thus