Page 474 - YC Cooking School
P. 474

Success with Sauces


             How to make top-notch pan sauces

             It’s impossible to trace back to when the first hungry cook thought that detaching the flavour
             from the bottom of the pan was a good idea, but one thing’s for sure  we’re glad it
             happened. The making of a pan sauce is the natural progression of a dish and it’s invaluable
             to know how to make use of the caramelised goodness that’s left behind.

             The hotter the pan, the better the caramelisation
             The crunchy little bits of caramelised meat and juice that stick to the base of the pan during
             frying are what you’re looking for when making a pan sauce. A hot pan will give you
             excellent caramelisation. Obviously you don’t want your sauce to have a burnt flavour, so
             keep an eye on the pan while you fry and adjust the heat if needed.

             Test the pan for hotness
             Hold your hand 2cm above the surface of the pan. If you can’t keep it there (careful not to
             burn yourself!), you’ll know the pan is hot enough to add the oil and start frying. Another
             indicator of correct pan heat is if the oil starts to smoke a little once you add it to the pan.

             Season the meat before you cook it
             Seasoning doesn’t need to happen hours in advance but rather just before you apply heat
             to whatever meat you’re cooking. This will help a beautiful caramel crust to form on the
             outside of the meat and is the best way for the seasoning flavours to permeate the meat.
             You won’t get the same results by seasoning your meat after cooking it, so don’t forget this

             important step.

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