Page 98 - YC Cooking School
P. 98
Always rest your meat before you serve
Remember one of the golden rules of cooking meat - If you cut into a piece of
meat the moment it comes off the fire, all the juices will be expelled and end up
on the carving board. By resting the meat you allow the meat to relax, keeping it
juicier and tastier.
Prime cuts for grilling or barbecuing
Beef: fillet, rump, sirloin, T-Bone (fillet & sirloin on the bone), wing rib (sirloin on
the bone), rib eye, prime rib (rib eye on the bone)
Lamb: fillet, chump, loin, cutlet, loin chop, saddle, leg steak
Pork: fillet, loin, loin chop, saddle
Venison: fillet, rump, loin
Non-prime cuts for barbecuing or grilling
Beef: hanger, skirt/bavette, flat iron
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