Page 5 - The Man in the Forest
P. 5
The Man in the Forest
As we neared the forest, my cousin Jamal, who we
nicknamed ‘Scatter’ because when he was little
he fell and hit his mouth and most of his front
teeth came out and scattered on the ground,
started telling us about a story he said he heard
from the people in the village.
“There’s this old man who lives in the forest and
practises witchcraft”, he said. “If you enter a
certain part of the forest he abducts you and
you’ll never be seen again. Some people say he
makes human sacrifices to the devil!”
“Boy, stop talking stupidness!” I shouted.
“Scatter, I know you trying to frighten us, but it
nah working!” Jaden said.
“Well, you might not believe me, but they say that
over the years a few people who went into the
forest never returned”, Scatter continued.
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