Page 57 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 57


            An Engine For Workforce Development

              Ivy Tech Community College    student success and creating path-  ic pathways for high school students
            offers affordable degree programs   ways for a stronger Indiana through   showcasing how the work they do in
            and training aligned with the needs   a local focus. Whatever your connec-  high school can set them on track for
            of its community, along with courses   tion to the Madison economy, rest   a high-paying, high-demand job or
            and programs that transfer to other   assured Ivy Tech is in your corner.   completing their first year of college
            colleges and universities.      Every day, we work with high    before they ever leave high school.
              By 2025, there will be one million   school students, returning adults,   Furthermore, the Madison campus
            high demand, high wage jobs avail-  and our community at large to drive   is the statewide hub and only post-
            able in Indiana. More than half of   Madison’s economic future.   secondary provider for the Indiana
            those careers will require education                            Course Access Program (iCAP), a
            or training beyond a high school   GETTING HIGH SCHOOL          partnership with the Indiana De-
            diploma but short of a bachelor’s   STUDENTS CAREER-READY       partment of Education, where your
            degree. Associate degrees, certifi-  You might have seen us at   students can earn college credits, all
            cates, and other credentials are the   Madison Consolidated, Switzerland   online, while in high school.
            future of our workforce, and no one   County, Shawe Memorial, Christian   Know a high school student who could
            does them better than Ivy Tech. Our   Academy, and Southwestern high   benefit? Contact Andrea McDole at
            students graduate ready to succeed,   schools providing critical Dual Cred-
            and because Ivy Tech partners with   it education which allows your chil-
                                                                            SKILLING UP AND
            national and local businesses, we   dren and grandchildren the oppor-
            provide unique opportunities you   tunity to gain college credit while   STANDING OUT
            won’t find anywhere else.       fulfilling high school requirements   We also know adult learners need
              Across the state—and right here   and at no cost to the student. We’ve   new skills and education to move
            in Madison—we’re committed to   also developed customized academ-  into fulfilling careers that pay the  56

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