Page 59 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 59
Photo by
Laura J Gardner Photography
Rare Academic Opportunity
POPE JOHN AND SHAWE— in a Small Town
One of Jefferson County’s great- standardized state tests like the SAT. in a safe and religious environment
est features is having a preschool Shawe also offers over 80 college for students, staff, and families. The
through 12 grade Catholic school credits in its Advanced Placement school system has won academic
system in Madison. courses as well as Dual Credit/Dual state championships in math and
Shawe Memorial Jr./Sr. High Enrollment in partnership with In- science, won Indiana Department
School and Pope John XXIII Ele- diana University and Ivy Tech Com- of Education awards for stellar
mentary have been around since munity College. This has allowed performance in AP and Dual Credit
the 1950’s and 60’s, but Catholic many of the students to complete courses, and continues to work
education has been in Madison for college level courses before they closely with its talented alumni long
over 180 years. Shawe and Pope even graduate from high school, all after graduation. Shawe’s Marching
John—one of only two accredited the while saving on college tuition. “Band of Gold” has swept competi-
school systems in Indiana that offer Students can participate in athletics, tions with their dominating success
a Pre K-12 grade campus—contin- extra-curricular activities, clubs, ac- and continues to excel. “Our schools
ue a rich history of robust curricula ademic teams, religious events, and are committed to providing the best
and strong academics. The preschool much more, such as the “Right to Catholic education for all children
was established in 1985 and accepts Life March” in Washington, DC. “We and we are so proud of the many op-
children aged three or four. are very proud of the wide range of tions that we are able to provide our
Amongst the many benefits of offerings we have at both Shawe and families,” says Kahn.
the school system are small class Pope John,” says President Philip J. For more information contact:
sizes, the 100% graduation rate, the Kahn, class of 1987 alumni. Pope John XXIII Elementary at 812-
amount of Senior Scholarships re- Shawe and Pope John continue 273-3957. Shawe Memorial Junior/
ceived, small teacher/student ratios, to excel in Catholic identity and ac- Senior High School, 812-273-2150.
and the overall student scores on ademic excellence while functioning