Page 117 - Dilmun 23
P. 117
blazes down with intolerable radiance; by night the deep
heaven with its stars. A country fit fo swift-handed deep
hearted men.
The Persians are alled the French of the East, we will call the
Arabs the oriental Italians, a people of strong feelings and iron
restraint over these. They have the characteristics of
noblemindedness and genius. The wild Bedouin welcones the
stranger to his tent, as one having the right to all that is there;
were it his worst enemy, he will slay his foal to feast him, will
sevre him with sacred hospitality for three days and set him
fairly on his way, and then by another law-just as sacred ? kill
him if he has shown fault. They are not a loquacious people ?
but eloquent, gifted when they speak. They are earnest and
truthful. They are as we know of Jewish kindred with their
earnestness, but they combine something more which is
graceful and brilliant, which .is certainly not Jewish. It is a
poetic quality. These people held poetic contests among of
themselves before the time of Mahomet. They had yearly fairs
in Southern Arabia, where merchandising was done: poets
sang for the prizes and the wild people gathered to hear them.
The Arabs share with the Jews hwat we might cal religiosity
for in ancient times each according to the light he had. Poets,
speakers and singers were honoured. Same Biblical scholars
feel the Book of Job was written in southern Arabia. One feels