Page 121 - Dilmun 29
P. 121      Dr. Fowzia Abdullah        Geology of the Arabian Gulf and Failaka Island-Review
                                             Petroleum Geology Consultant
                                            ALNAFT ALSAKHRI consultancy

Geology of the                              ments from the hills and pla-    rocks in its northern parts,
Arabian Gulf                                teaus during the rainy sea-      while its southern part is car-
                                            son. These deposits are          bonate dominated. This is
                                            mixed with sand and silt de-     related the diminishing of
                                            posits carried by wind ac-       the effect of Shatt al-Arab
                                            tion. It is mixed with some      sedimentation.
                                            aeolian deposits. The tidal
                                            flats are covered with silt,     The geology of Failaka is
                                            clay and soft mud. There are     correlated with Kuwait’s ge-
                                            ripple marks and bioturbated     ology. The study of Holo-
                                            sediments related to some        cene rocks indicates that the
                                            gastropods and bivalves.         area around Failaka was
                                            The effect of wind is shown      probably dry from 18000-
                                            by the formation of coastal      10000 y BP. Around 10,000
                                            dunes in the form of sand        BC some of the first Neolith-
                                            ridges )Moustafa, 1988(.         ic culture began to settle in
                                                                             the fertile crescents and in
                                             Summary and                     8,000 BC Mesopotamia be-
                                             Recommendation                  gan to settle and started ag-
                                                                             ricultural lifestyle. The dry
                                            There are two main domi-         land probably connected
                                            nant processes affecting the     Kuwait and Failaka with oth-
                                            shape of the Gulf during the     er parts of Gulf region.
                                            Pleistocene and Holocene,
                                            eustatic seal-level changes      The ancient human settle-
                                            and structural instability. The  ments in Failaka Island
                                            dropping of sea water level      make it important to study its
                                            during glaciation resulted in    geology and to predict the
                                            shifting the sea level and       changes in sea level during
                                            Shatt Al-Arab 1000 km away       the Holocene time. It is rec-
                                            towards Hormuz at the en-        ommended to do a future
                                            trance of the Arabian Sea.       detail study of the geology of
                                                                             Failaka and relate it to the
                                            Quaternary rocks in Kuwait       surrounded beach rocks.
                                            are dominated with clastic

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