Page 122 - Dilmun 29
P. 122

Edition 29/July/2021  Bahrain Historical & Archaeology Society/Dilmun Magazine

The coast of Failaka can be    survey of Austria in 1966 in                                                 Geology of the
divided into four sections     Failaka revealed that the                                                    Arabian Gulf
)Fig. 6-C( )Al-Sarawi 1995(;   geologic succession in
                               Failaka can be correlated                                                       18
1- Northern wide beach with    with Jal Az-Zor escarpment
flat intertidal zone and have  )Moustafa, 1988( and prob-
high energy waves )C(.         ably from the same origin.
                               Both Dibdibba and Dam-
2- North-western narrow        mam formations have been
beach with flat intertidal     identified as the upper most
zone with low energy waves     rock succession in both ar-
)D(.                           eas. Their composition is
                               correlated with those in Jal
3- Southern beach which is     Az-Zor area. The island
very wide and is affected by   structure shows that it was
high energy waves )A(.         subjected to faulting which
                               separated the island from
4- South-eastern beaches       mainland where it was con-
which are moderate narrow      nected with Jal Az-Zor
                               )Al-Sarawi 1995(.
 Surface Deposits
 and Rocks                     In the northern part of the
                               island, the surface is cov-
The island is dominated by     ered with muddy silty clastic
medium-to-coarse sand          rocks which were deposited
beaches represented by         by Shatt Al-Arab, while the
beach rock outcrops perched    southern part has slight
on an eroded bedrock plat-     similarity with Jal Az-Zor
form. These rocks are clas-    rock types )Moustafa,
tic dominated with sand-       1988(.
stone and siltstone which
sometimes are cemented         Failaka surface deposits
with calcite.                  are related to eroded sedi-

Subsurface geologic studies
carried out by the Geologic
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