Page 127 - Dilmun 29
P. 127      Dr. Fowzia Abdullah        Geology of the Arabian Gulf and Failaka Island-Review
                                             Petroleum Geology Consultant
                                            ALNAFT ALSAKHRI consultancy

Geology of the                              ranges in thickness be-          stones that are slightly ce-
Arabian Gulf                                tween 2.4 and 9.8 m. It is       mented by calcite. There is
                                            extensively fractured and        thin laminated shale with
  13                                        has many chertified dolomi-      few green clay beds. They
                                            critic beds and chert bands.     were deposited in marine
                                            The unconformity surface         and terrestrial environment.
                                            underlies the whole Kuwait.      The maximum thickness of
                                            It is a water aquifer with us-   Ghar Formation is around
                                            able groundwater. The wa-        180 m.
                                            ter salinity varies from
                                            brackish )2500 ppm( in the       The Lower Fars Formation
                                            southwest to brine )150,000      )Middle Miocene( overlies
                                            ppm( in north-eastern Ku-        the Ghar Formation and
                                            wait )Omar et al., 1981(. It is  consists of fine sandstone,
                                            the most productive water        conglomeratic sandstone
                                            aquifer with secondary ef-       shale with thin fossiliferous
                                            fective porosity related to      limestone mixed with some
                                            faulting, karstification and     anhydrite and, gypsum. It
                                            dolomitization )Omar et          has repeated fining upward
                                            al.,1981(.                       cycles reflecting oscillations
                                                                             in sea level. These rocks
                                            Kuwait Group, Neogene            were deposited in fluvio-del-
                                            age, is compose of three         taic complex )Ferdous et
                                            formations )Fig 2-D( with a      al., 2012( and are exposed
                                            maximum thickness of 516         at Jal Az-zor with an aver-
                                            m. The oldest Ghar Forma-        age thickness of 38 m. The
                                            tion lies above the Dam-         clay balls locally found in
                                            mam Formation and is ex-         sandstones indicate possi-
                                            posed at the foot of Jal         ble erosional surface. The
                                            Az-zor. This formation is        formation is one of Kuwait
                                            composed of current              oil reservoir with heavy oil
                                            cross-bedded coarse sand-        type production.
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