Page 131 - Dilmun 29
P. 131      Dr. Fowzia Abdullah        Geology of the Arabian Gulf and Failaka Island-Review
                                             Petroleum Geology Consultant
                                            ALNAFT ALSAKHRI consultancy

Geology of the                               Geology of                      ter topography of the Arabi-
Arabian Gulf                                 the Arabian Gulf                an Gulf )Gunatilaka, 1986(.
                                                                             The sedimentary rocks are
                                            The Arabian Gulf is a north-     tilted eastward from the
                                            west south-east oriented         Arabian Shield facing the
                                            shallow sea with an open         Zagros Mountains. The Ara-
                                            connection with the Indian       bian side of the Gulf has rel-
                                            Ocean. It has an area of         atively smooth geologic
                                            about 241,000 km2 with av-       structures and is basically
                                            erage depth of 50 meter          resulted from the orienta-
                                            while maximum depth is           tion and movements of the
                                            110 m near Hormuz as com-        Precambrian basement
                                            pared to the depth of 90 m       rocks, compared to the Ira-
                                            in the Gulf of Oman )Fig.        nian side which is resulted
                                            1-A(. The slope of the Gulf      from the collision of the Ara-
                                            is higher on the Iranian side    bian Plate with the Iranian
                                            compared to the Arabian          Plate )Alsharhan and Nairn,
                                            side.                            1997(.

                                            The Geology of the Arabian       The Arabian Gulf is a syn-
                                            Gulf is a function of its loca-  clinal structural depression
                                            tion between the Arabian         in the continental crust
                                            Shield and the Zagros folds.     where the sea water of the
                                            The eastern Iranian side of      Arabian Sea progress for-
                                            the Gulf is more affected by     ward filling this depression
                                            the Zagros orogeny than          during global sea level rise.
                                            the western Arabian side         The Arabian Peninsula and
                                            )Alsharhan and Nairn,            Iran area during 20000 BP
                                            1997(. The intersection of       were connected by land as
                                            the Arabian folds with the       a result of glaciation which
                                            Zagros folds has shaped          caused a global drop in sea
                                            the present-day bottom wa-       level and as a result the

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