Page 133 - Dilmun 29
P. 133 Dr. Fowzia Abdullah Geology of the Arabian Gulf and Failaka Island-Review
Petroleum Geology Consultant
Geology of the Geology of the Arabian Gulf
Arabian Gulf and Failaka Island-Review
Abstract Kuwait has revealed a
change in the sea level in
The geology of Kuwait is re- the last 11,000 years, where
lated to the Arabian basin it dropped to more than 120
tectonic elements; the Ara- m relative modern sea level
bian Shield in the west and causing exposure of the
the Zagros Mountains on Arabian Gulf. The ancient
the north. Subsurface for- human settlements in Faila-
mations in Kuwait are gently ka Island make it important
dipping towards northeast. to study its geology and to
predict the sea level chang-
Recent beach deposits are es during the Holocene time.
represented by carbonates
in the south and clastics in Key words: Failaka, Geolo-
the north. Both Kuwait and gy, Holocene, Beach rocks,
upper Hasa groups of Ceno- Terraces.
zoic age are outcropping in
Kuwait and are composed Introduction
of clastic and carbonate
rocks, respectively. Failaka Island is the most
important archeological site
Failaka is the most import- in Kuwait. It was the most
ant island in Kuwait located urban center in Kuwait in the
20 km offshore from Kuwaiti ancient times particularly in
mainland. The geology of the Bronze age from 2200-
Failaka and northern part of 1800 BC. The southwestern
Kuwait are almost similar. corner of Failaka was the
Recent off-shore sediments main harbor during the Dil-
deposited here are originat- mun time )Aziz et al., 2007(.
ed from Shatt Al-Arab delta. Settlement in this island
Carbon dating of rocks in