Page 132 - Dilmun 29
P. 132

Edition 29/July/2021        Bahrain Historical & Archaeology Society/Dilmun Magazine

continued in the 3rd century This purpose of this study is                                                        Geology of the
                                                                                                                  Arabian Gulf
BC during the Greek civili- to review the geology of
zation back to the time of Al- Failaka and relate it to the

exander the Great. Other geology of Kuwait and its
settlements discovered be- surrounding area.

long to the Islamic Abbasid Kuwait is located on the

through the Portuguese north west corner of the Ara-

presence in the 16th century bian Gulf. It is bordered to

AD )Aziz et al., 2007; Hasan the west by the Arabian
                              Shield and to the north and
et al., 2020(.
                              north-east by the Zagros
Recent studies on Failaka     Mountains which were
island showed that the shore  formed by the continental
lines has changed in 40       collision during Late Creta-
years )1976-2016( by sand     ceous to Miocene time
accumulation and erosion in   )Alsharhan and Nairn,
an average rate of 77 cm/     1997(. The Arabian Shield,
year )Hasan et al., 2020(.    exposed on west side of the
Alsahli and Almutairi )2019(  Arabian Peninsula, is com-

found that both the northern posed of crystalline igneous
and southern shoreline of and metamorphic rocks of
Failaka island is changing at Precambrian age. The Za-
a rate of 1 m/year. Thus, sea gros Mountain is composed
level changes are obvious of folded and trusted rocks
within relatively short geo- connected with the Taurus
logic time, which made it belt in the northwest and Hi-

very important to study the malayas in the east which

geology of the island and were all part of the Tethys

compare it to the historical Ocean )Alsharhan and

settlement in this island.    Nairn, 1997(.
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