Page 129 - Dilmun 29
P. 129      Dr. Fowzia Abdullah        Geology of the Arabian Gulf and Failaka Island-Review
                                             Petroleum Geology Consultant
                                            ALNAFT ALSAKHRI consultancy

Geology of the                              ert gradually sloping at a      1932, two wells were drilled
Arabian Gulf                                rate of 2m/km from the          in Bahra and Burgan where
                                            south-west towards the          they were located because
  11                                        eastern shoreline )Fig 2-A(.    of rich bituminous subsur-
                                                                            face show and gas seepag-
                                            There are shallow depres-       es )Alsharhan and Nairn,
                                            sions and low hills such as     1997(. The major structural
                                            a gently sloping Ahmadi         features in Kuwait is a se-
                                            Ridge in the southern part      ries of north-south, north-
                                            of the state. Highest elevat-   north west trending anti-
                                            ed topographic feature is       clines )Fig. 2-B(. These
                                            Jal Az-Zor Escarpment in        double plunging anticlines
                                            the northwestern shore of       are intersected with some
                                            Kuwait Bay )Fig.3-A( where      faults and are basically re-
                                            its elevation reaches around    lated to epeirogenic move-
                                            230 m. There is one major       ment )Carmen, 1996(.
                                            depression along the west-      There are many other fault
                                            ern boundaries of Kuwait        systems in Kuwait which
                                            known as Wadi Al-Baten.         formed as a result of both
                                            The width of this valley        epirogenic movement of the
                                            ranges between 7-10 km          basement and compres-
                                            with an average depth of 57     sional forces caused by Za-
                                            m )Al-Sarawi, 1980(, its ori-   gros orogeny.
                                            gin is related to a fault sys-
                                            tem. The wadi is covered by     The result of exploration
                                            Quaternary and Tertiary         studies show that the sub-
                                            gravels of igneous and met-     surface stratigraphic forma-
                                            amorphic origin sourced         tions are gently northeast
                                            from the Arabian Shield.        dipping. An example of a
                                                                            structure contour map for
                                            First geologic study of Ku-     the Tertiary Dammam For-
                                            wait started in 1912 as a re-   mation in figure )2-C( show
                                            sult of oil exploration. In
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