Page 126 - Dilmun 29
P. 126

Edition 29/July/2021  Bahrain Historical & Archaeology Society/Dilmun Magazine

The Dibdibba Formation,          Quaternary Beach                                                           Geology of the
Miocene to Pliocene age, is      rocks and Recent                                                           Arabian Gulf
the upper most layer in Ku-      sediments in Kuwait
wait Group. It consists of                                                                                     14
fluvial, cross bedded sand,     Northern Kuwaiti beaches
gravel, sandstone and           are clastic sediments
clays. The sediments are        dumped by Shatt Al-Arab
locally cemented by lime        delta )Fig. 3-A(. The delta
and gypsum. Its contact         deposits reach 100-120 km
with the Lower Fars Forma-      south of the delta shoreline.
tion is indicated by the point  The effect of the delta de-
where reddish or variegated     posits almost disappears in
shale begin to appear           the southern part of the Ku-
)Omar et al., 1981(. It out-    wait shoreline, where car-
crops as the topmost layer      bonate sediments are dom-
in Jal Az-Zor. It also covers   inant )Guantilaka, 1986(.
the upland as gravels, oc-      The deltaic deposits result-
curring in north and south      ed in the formation of
Kuwait and capping terrac-      Bubian island north of Ku-
es and ridges along Wadi        wait which is a low-laying
Al-Batin. There are residual    island and is composed of
dark, reddish to black peb-     soft mud flats along with
bles and cobbles composed       medium to coarse sand
of igneous rocks, metamor-      beaches. It is affected by
phic, quartz and chert. The     the river channel and sea
Dibdibba Formation was          tidal deposits )PAAC, 2008(.
carried by ancient channels     The southern beaches in
from the west and deposit-      Kuwait are dominated with
ed as sheet flood deposits.     carbonate sediments. The
Its maximum thickness in        coastal deposits are uncon-
Kuwait is around 200 m.         solidated marine sands,
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