Page 128 - Dilmun 29
P. 128
Edition 29/July/2021 Bahrain Historical & Archaeology Society/Dilmun Magazine
the structure dipping trend Kuwait Groups. They are Geology of the
towards northeast which is partially exposed in Jal Az- Arabian Gulf
intersected sometimes with zor Escarpment and Ahma-
some anticline structures di Ridge in Kuwait )Al-Asfor, 12
such as Burgan in south 1975(.
Quaternary and Ter-
The source of most of the tiary exposed rocks
sediments deposited in Ku-
wait during the geologic his- The exposed rocks in Ku-
tory is the Arabian Shield. wait range in age from Mio-
Kuwait was dominated by cene to Holocene. They be-
shallow marine depositional long to the Hasa and Kuwait
environment. The Mesozoic Group )Fig. 2-D(. The
section in Kuwait has a youngest formation in the
thickness of 5000 m and is Hasa Group is the Dam-
composed of shallow car- mam Formation with an av-
bonate rocks and evapo- erage thickness of 260 m.
rites )Abdullah, 1993(. Dammam Formation under-
During the basement uplift lies the whole Kuwait and
and sea level regression, consists mainly of shaly and
the carbonate rocks were chalky limestone with chert,
replaced by the clastic rocks anhydrite and dolomite. It is
such as the Burgan Forma- the oldest exposed rock in
tion sandstone, one of the Kuwait found in Ahmadi
largest clastic oil reservoirs Ridge and has an unconfor-
in the world )Alsharan and mity surface at its upper
Nairn, 1997(. The Cenozoic contact with Kuwait Group
section in Kuwait )Fig. 2-D( )Khalaf and Abdullah,
is composed of carbonate 2015(. The paleokarst zone
and clastic rocks and is rep- on the top of Dammam For-
resented by the Hasa and mation in the rock exposure