Page 124 - Dilmun 29
P. 124

Edition 29/July/2021  Bahrain Historical & Archaeology Society/Dilmun Magazine

2014(.                          15 m above sea level. They                                                  Geology of the
                                were formed by both marine                                                  Arabian Gulf
 Rock Exposure in               and aeolian processes
 Khiran area                    which were controlled by                                                       16
                                tectonic and eustatic sea
The Khiran area in the          level changes )Qabazard et
southern coast of Kuwait, is    al., 2011(.
a carbonate dominated
depositional environment        Detail discussion of carbon
where the beach is domi-        14 dating for the carbonate
nated with lime oolitic grainy  ridges and the sabkha se-
limestones intercalated with    quence in comparison with
sediments of coastal sab-       the northern clastic terraces
kha. The contribution of        as well as Bubian Island by
Shatt Al-Arab clastic sedi-     compiling many studies is
ments almost diminishes         explained by Guantilaka
here.                           )1986( and is summarized
There are three Holocene
age elongated carbonate         -The Bubian Island started
coastal ridges running par-     to form in 4500-3500 y BP
allel to the strong tidal cur-  with estimated sedimenta-
rent prevailing in that area.   tion rate of 36 cm/1000
The rocks of these ridges       years.
are composed of cross-bed-
ded, thinly laminated oolitic   - The carbonate ridges in
limestone and sometimes         Alkhiran, south Kuwait,
mixed with sandstone. The       have been dated to be
ooids are coarse )0.5 mm        3500-2800 y BP. The coast
diameter( and are well sort-    prograded at an average
ed. The elevation of these      rate of 140-160 m/1000y.
ridges range between 5 to
                                -Alkhiran Sabkha sequenc-
                                es show that the transgres-
                                sion started in 7650 ±70 y
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