Page 123 - Dilmun 29
P. 123      Dr. Fowzia Abdullah        Geology of the Arabian Gulf and Failaka Island-Review
                                             Petroleum Geology Consultant
                                            ALNAFT ALSAKHRI consultancy

Geology of the                              BP and maximum trans-          and on its far east and
Arabian Gulf                                gression was 4730 ±60 y        southern sides they is
                                            BP with 5 km advance from      change to silt and mud )Fig.
  17                                        present sea level.             3-B(.

                                            This geological information     Failaka
                                            is very important to evalu-     Topography
                                            ate the human settlement in
                                            Kuwait and compare it          Failaka island is 6.5 km by
                                            those civilization in both     13.8 km in size )Fig. 6-A(. It
                                            Iraq and Iran.                 is relatively flat with small
                                                                           low elevated hills that do
                                              Geology of                   not exceed 11 m above sea
                                              Failaka Island               level )Fig. 6-B(. These hills
                                                                           have been affected by ero-
                                            Failaka Island, located 20     sional processes and some
                                            km offshore Kuwait City is     of the hills have saddle
                                            surrounded by different dep-   shapes. There is a plateau
                                            ositional environments such    in the middles of the island.
                                            as tidal flats and rocky       The hills are composed of
                                            beaches. Water depth           rich consolidated sand
                                            around Failaka is 0-5 m in-    mixed with marine shells.
                                            creasing eastward of the is-   There are some muddy
                                            land. Water Salinity during    sand deposits on some por-
                                            summer is 30-37%o, while in    tions of the hills. Low val-
                                            spring the salinity in the     leys are covering most parts
                                            northern beach area is 29-     of the island. The slope of
                                            32%o, and towards the          these valleys is around 1%.
                                            southern beaches is 25-        The east valleys are areas
                                            32%o )Fig. 5(. The sedi-       of water accumulation
                                            ments around Failaka are       which turn to form sabkhas
                                            mixed sand and silt deposits   during dry seasons.
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