Page 449 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 449


                                   TRAFFIC BRANCH
              The British Police arc responsible for the traffic section. During 1366 the total number of
         accidents recorded was 130, a decrease of 13 on the previous year. There were 4 fatal accidents and
         11 people were seriously injured. In three accidents the vehicles which were responsible were not
         traced. There were 17 prosecutions, the result of accidents, in two of the cases the accused were
         acquitted. During the early part of the year few accidents occurred, later in the year the number of
         accidents increased, this was to a great extent due to the depleted strength of the British Police which
         resulted in less supervision of traffic and fewer road patrols. The total number of vehicles which
         were registered was 1,018, an increase of 245 over the previous year, this increase was due to improved
         export conditions from U.K. and U.S.A. and also owing to purchases by local Arabs of vehicles from
         Army Disposal Boards. The cash receipts which were collected by the Traffic office amounted to
         Rs. 70,351 which was Rs. 23,482 more than the amount collected in 1365.
             The general condition of traffic is bad, the Bahrain Petroleum Company disposes of unserviceable
         vehicles to local dealers who patch them up and produce a working vehicle which is sold to gullible
         buyers who find themselves saddled with a useless vehicle that continually needs repairing. The
         public, generally, are not traffic conscious, nor safety conscious and in no way regulation conscious.
         It is therefore difficult to make known and to enforce regulations relating to traffic, registrations and
         the general use of vehicles. Vehicles, in this case busses, which carry the public, do not function as a
         regular Public Service, they are independently owned and work independently serving the public as
         and when they think fit. Suggestions were made to one of the principal bus owners that he should
         operate a regular service but the proposal was not accepted.
             Motor Vehicles :—
                    Total number in Bahrain                     1.075
                    Total number registered                      1,018
                    Notified as exported                          64
                    Notified as imported                          114
                    Taxis registered                              139
                    Busses registered                             124
                    Bicycles registered                           457
             Drivers :—
                    Number of driving tests                       446
                    Passed                                        348
                    Failed      ~                                 98

             Accidents and Traffic offences :—
                    Accidents                                     130
                    Serious accidents                              19
                    Court cases                                   17
                    Traffic offences ...                          139
                    Amount of fines Rs. 3,299.
             Police Duties.—The British Police undertook 46 prosecutions other than traffic cases,
        involving persons of six different nationalities. The cases included larceny, assault on a public servant,
         offences against liquor and price control regulations, smuggling, cruelty to animals, mischief, drunken-
         ness,  possession and sale of narcotics, gambling, procuring, and selling indecent photographs. The
         range of criminal offences which are prevalent in Bahrain has extended considerably during recent
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