Page 450 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 450

                                              OIL INSPECTION

                              (Report by Mr. G. B. Thompson, Bahrain Government Oil Inspector.)
                         Bahrain Production.—Development of the Bahrain producing area was continued during
                    1366 with satisfactory results, and the increase compared with the previous year is shown on the
                    attached diagram. Six new wells were drilled and some wells were converted to dual wells producing
                    from two pay zones. A gas supply line was run from the field to the refinery and in consequence
                    there was a considerable saving in burner fuel oil used in the operations of the plant. Work was
                    commenced on a deep test well to obtain information on'the structure below the existing pay zones,
                    this well will probably be carried down to something like 13,000 feet. Nett Roj'alty figures again
                    exceeded those of the previous year due to the higher production and the saving in the use of royalty
                    deductable burner fuel oil.
                         Arabian Crude.—During the year there was a large increase in the quantities of Arabian
                    crude which were received. These increases were made available by shipments by tanker, doubling
                    the pipeline over the land area and by improving and expanding the pumping facilities in Arabia.
                         Refinery Operations.—Numerous alteration to the refinery were made during the year,
                    to increase the throughout capacity of the existing plants, the attached diagram indicates how success­
                    ful these arrangements were, and shows that an increased capacity in the neighbourhood of 50%
                    over the figures for the same plants was obtained compared with the figures for 1364. An asphalt
                    plant was constructed during the year and shipments are expected to be on a commercial scale early
                    in 1367.
                         Shipping Facilities.—Additions were made to the pipeline facilities and the pumping capacity
                    was augmented to cope with the greater quantities of products available from the refinery for ship­
                    ping. Work was also started to enlarge the storage capacity at the Sitra tank farm. The record
                    shipment was in October when over 4,350,000 nett barrels were shipped.
                         Government Gauged Cargoes.—Government gauged cargoes were higher owing to the
                    general increase in the quantity of products which were shipped, the comparative figures are indicated
                    in the attached diagram covering the years 1365-1366. The record month was May, when 26 ships
                    involving 49 parcels totalling 283,735 long tons were dealt with. The increase over 1365 is indicated

                                   Year.    No. of ships. No. of parcels^  Long tons.
                                    1365         168 **       338        1,696,828
                                    1366         259          540        2.643.275
   445   446   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455