Page 43 - The Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia
P. 43

Be that as it may, the first recorded canceller was the Sind Circle
                     Type 1 (Duplex). When first used the date-stamp undoubtedly in­
                     cluded the year but, following the directive in the Indian Postal
                     Manual of 1873, this had been removed by October 15th that year.
                     This canceller is known struck in green and in blue; and is also
                     reputed to exist with the spelling GUADUR in the date-stamp.

                          The complete cancellation is very rare. Stamps are occasionally
                     found bearing only the ‘24’ cancellation, but this can not be
 u                   regarded as being from Guadur without the evidence of at least part
                     of the date-stamp. Mangalore, in South India, used the same type
                     Duplex canceller; and Type 1A illustrates yet another variation of the
                     ‘24’ which did not come from Guadur.
  V ’5
  ; •

                                          The Mangalore ‘24’

                          JAN: 18 >                               K- 1

                                   Type 2

                          With the introduction of the All-India series of cancellations in
                     1873, Guadur was issued with Type 2 (Duplex). The date-stamp did
                    not indicate the year, and it is consequently possible to ‘date’ this
                    cancellation only if there is other evidence on a cover - such as a
                    manuscript note of the date of receipt or a dated Registration Cachet.

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